Housing in Southern Africa December 2015
Industry Buzz, Events & Products Top award for M&R
J erome Govender, Executive Chairman of Murray & Roberts Construction, has lauded the achievement of the teamon the Cen- tury City Square Project. “Not only is this recognition important from an industry perspective, it also under- pins the Murray & Roberts Construc- tion focus on delivering excellence in terms of sustainable and cost effec- tive constructionmethodologies and solutions as well as achieving great safety ratings,” he says. This flagship development for the Rabie Property Group forms part of the burgeoning precinct on the N1, 10 km from the Cape Town CBD. Century City Square is pioneering a new 4-star mixed-use Green Building Council of South Africa rating, ensur- ing that sustainable green design principles are implemented where possible. The fast track project comprises the construction of five separate buildings, each with complexities of design, being constructed on a super basement within a confined working area, and according to Dave Heron, managing director of Murray & Roberts Western Cape, requires
Murray &RobertsWestern Cape, a division of Murray &Roberts Construction, was named the overall winner in the Building Contractors category of Construction World’s Best Projects 2015 Awards, for its work on the Century City Square Project.
Builders Association. In addition the project placed first in its category in theWestern Cape Master Builders As- sociation Regional Health and Safety Competition, and as a result, the project has recently been audited in the Master Builders South Africa Na- tional Health and Safety competition. This underpins the consistently high performance ratings achieved in the client’s monthly HSE audits. The site recently passed the 1 mil- lion man hours worked milestone without sustaining Loss Time Injury (LTI). The success achieved in the safety arena can be attributed to the development of a sound health and safety culture on the project with ownership taken by all levels and supported by a proactive health and safety team. This extends to contrac- tors who are encouraged to meet the same best practice standards on site
innovative thinking in terms of risk management and operational logistics. Project management, logistics and coordination are critical ele- ments to the success of the project. Contractor, Murray &RobertsWestern Cape established a single site office from which all work is coordinated and this has limited duplication of infrastructure and reduces costs for the client. The contractor selected a team with recent big project experi- ence and depth of expertise to ensure delivery of the project programme. In addition, careful selection of sub- contractors and the splitting of some of the sub-contracts also assisted in mitigating risk. Significantly, Murray & Roberts Western Cape received a Five Star Health & Safety rating on this proj- ect from the Western Cape Master
December 2015
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