Housing in Southern Africa December 2015
PEU investigation by Gordhan The Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Pravin Gordhan has called for an investigation into the City of Tshwane’s corrupt and unlawful PEU Capital Partners (PEU) smart-meter contract, which has wasted R1,84 billion to date.
T his follows the Democratic Alli- ance’s request to both Minister Gordhan and the Minister of Finance Nhlanhla Nene to initiate a forensic investigation against Execu- tive Mayor, Kgosientso Ramokgopa, and all those involved in the contract. According to DAMayoral Candidate for Tshwane, Solly Msimanga, “In fact, Gordhan instructed the City of Tsh- wane not to enter into the PEU con- tract when hewas Minister of Finance. Executive Mayor Ramokgopa and Municipal Manager Ngobeni chose to ignore this instruction.” The total amount lost by the City of Tshwane to date on the terminated PEU smart meter contract is R1.84 billion, which is money that the T he Department of Public Works says the new prescribed mini- mum wage of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) will be increased from R75.10 to R78.86 per day, with immediate effect. The EPWP wage increase is adjust- ed annually in line with the current infla-
T heMinister of Water and Sanita- tion, Nomvula Mokonyane, is under pressure to release the Blue and Green Drop reports. The Blue Drop Programme mea- sures water treatment plants and Mokonyane under pressure Mamabolo to launch an investigation into the matter and has given his de- partment 30 days to respond. ■
residents of Tshwane have been robbed of. This exorbitant amount has only resulted in around 12 000 meters being installed, out of the 800 000 meters needed. Msimanga says that Minister Gord- han’smove to investigate the contract is a welcome first step against this corrupt, fraudulent and unlawful situation. Gordhan has asked Gauteng MEC for Local Government Jacob EPWP to timeously adjust the pro- gramme participants’ wages accord- ingly and to comply with the state requirements. She said the EPWP mandate to alleviate poverty and unemploy- ment remains steady in addressing the challenges of unemployment, inequality and unemployment within communities. “It provides a safety net formillions of unemployed South Africans who depend solely on Public Employment Programmes for survival. The EPWP remains one of the suc- cessful government initiatives aimed at reducing unemployment through the provision of training and work opportunities.
EPWP wage increase
the quality of drinking water and the Green Drop Programme as- sesses the quality of wastewater treat- me n t wo r k s . “These reports are crucial for i den t i f y i ng systems that fail to provide communities with clean and safe water. As South
tion rate. Acting EPWP Deputy Director Gener- al Kelebogile
Se t h i be l o urged all
Africa braces for an unparalleled wa- ter crisis, these reports are essential to understanding the state of our water infrastructure nationwide,” says Democratic Alliance Shadow Deputy Minister of Water and Sanitation, Leon Basson. According to Basson, “The Minister is stalling in submitting the report to parliament. South Africans deserve answers on the state of water provi- sion in South Africa.” ■
t he im- plement- ers of the
Sethibelo says that the programme aims to create six million job opportunities over a five year period from 2014 to 2019. ■
December 2015
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