Housing in Southern Africa May 2015

Cement & Concrete

New roles for concrete Modern readymix concrete can be produced to give engineers and architects almost limitless strengthcharacteristics,while simultaneous developments in decorative concrete are now giving designers the ability to make any concrete structure look spectacular.

products and techniques. The dif- ference with our conference is that as far as is possible we will demon- strate new techniques and products. Delegates will have the chance to interact with technical experts and suppliers to discuss practical appli- cations within their own businesses. Sponsors will also exhibit their offer- ings and engage directly with visitors at the large indoor and outdoor show venue,” explains van Wyk. A high-powered delegation of in- dustry experts will also delve further into an array of topical issues such as road transport, truck and fleet insur- ance, pumping concrete, decorative trends and more. Technical and training sessions will also be brought into the sched- ule. The conference will be preceded by the association’s annual gen- eral meeting (AGM) and is open to all SARMA members. “We will bring our members to- gether to decide upon the future path of our association and to draw up a new agenda and action plan for the year ahead. The conference will take place at the Misty Hills Conference Centre on the West Rand, Johannes- burg on 13-14 August 2015.” For further information contact Sarma on 011 791 3327 or email: office@sarma.co.za ■

I n recent years, global companies in the supply of cement products, additives and equipment, have needed to push the boundaries far beyond the ordinary in order tomeet requirements for some of the world’s most spectacular structures. While these technologies have al- lowed recordbreaking achievements, they have alsobeenmade available in the market place to be used in a wide range of applications. “Now it is important that South African firms adopt these technolo- gies and explore the almost limitless possibilities of new readymix con- crete. This country has an advanced readymix supply chain and there is absolutely no reason why our readymix concrete suppliers cannot mix and match the concrete being produced in Dubai, China or Europe,” says Johan van Wyk of the Southern Africa Readymix Association (Sarma). New concrete products and equip- ment is making it possible to pump concrete higher and further, to dry quicker, to have more flexibility,

strength or lighter properties. Porous concretemakes covering vast expans- es kinder to the environment, while self-compacting concrete is making construction easier and faster. “To harness all the new develop- ments, this year’s Readymix Confer- ence by Sarmawill strive to showcase more of the abilities of readymix concrete and help put local suppliers and construction professionals into the picture and show them what can be done. We have also arranged a smorgasbord of technical speakers to discuss the possibilities of readymix concrete and will look at practical ways of ensuring local suppliers are able to produce the best possible concrete,” says van Wyk. “We will also focus on pushing the boundaries of local construction and improving practices, methods and machinery in order to ensure that our construction industry keeps up with global trends. Speakers will also examine new formulae and new techniques available andwill discuss and demonstrate the benefits of new

May 2015

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