Housing in Southern Africa May 2016
The best way to build quality pipelines for homes and buildings… MEGA TUFF HDPE Small Bore Pipe makes all the difference
DO make sure you fully understand the application
DON’T assume that all pipe manufacturing companies know what they are doing
DO make sure you design your pipeline system accordingly
DON’T allow a sales person to influence your design choice without adequate proof
DON’T let your value chain make you believe it’s SABS’s responsibility to check pipe quality DON’T work on the assumption that all products or brands bearing the SABS logo are high quality
DO know where you are getting your product information & instructions from
DO make sure the materials produced comply to design requirements
DON’T allow a product on site that you’re not convinced meets set quality standards
DO make sure that you handle, install and operate the system in line with its capabilities
The Perfect Marley MEGA TUFF HDPE Pipeline Offers:
High Impact Strength : ensures a greater resistance to the rigours of pipe laying conditions Damage Resistance : as a result of low notch sensitivity
Ease of Installation : owing to light weight and availability in long lengths High Flow Capacity : lower friction factors than most non-plastic materials Long Life : provides a long, maintenance-free lifetime with low whole life costs Good Chemical and Corrosion Resistance Flexibility : can be bent to a minimum bending radius of 30 times the pipe’s outside diameter Good Abrasion Resistance Good UV Resistance: inclusion of carbon black in raw material stabilises against direct sunlight Cost-effectiveness : providing value over time
Your value partner for quality plastic pipe and fittings solutions
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