Housing in Southern Africa October 2015
Infrastructure & Mixed Use
Atholl Towers
A urecon was commissioned by ALW Estates to provide Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) services for the project, which exceeded the initial Green Star ambitions for the building by incorporating a range of innovative sustainable features. Located between Katherine and Patricia streets in Sandton, Atholl Towers was developed in two phases. The first phasewas completed in 2011 and comprises a 4 500m² office build- ingwith the Volkswagen Group South Africa’s Sales and Marketing Opera- tions as tenants. The second phase consisting of 10 211 m² of offices and 480 parking bays with five basement levels was completed in April 2015. Marni Punt, Environmental Sus- tainable Design (ESD) consultant at Aurecon, says the building is a modern, iconic design with open concept spaces. Some of the note- worthy aesthetic features include full-height façades, frameless glass and overhanging elements that The At ho l l Towe r s o f f i ce development in Johannesburg, South Africa, was recently awarded a 5-Star Green Star SA Rating by the Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA). E xperts in the industry have reported that this ‘pump and treat’ plan is ill-considered, economically unfeasible and environ- mentally unsustainable. Basson says, “We will request that the Portfolio Committee Chairperson, Mlungisi Johnson, invite South Africa’s leading scientists and experts in the field to present their concerns in relation to the Department’s plan.” A key concern, according to ex- perts, is the exorbitant cost of treat- ing acid mine water to a potable standard. “Whilst we understand the enor- mous risk our country faces with regard to water shortages and that
the use of low Volatile Organic Com- pound (VOC) paint, low formaldehyde timber and finishes, the smart ap- plication of insulation materials and blinds to maximise thermal comfort for building occupants, as well as a rainwater harvesting and water con- servation systems. The project also has an extensive metering system connected to a fully automated Building Management System. A total of 55 powermeters are distributed throughout the building andwater meters have been installed for all major water uses. This is an important buildingmanagement tool that will assist the facilitiesmanagers to efficiently manage the building in future. Access to consumption data is provided via the local facilities man- agement PC or via a web browser. Trend logs will display the history of the water and electricity meter values, allowing usage trends to be accumulated and analysed to identify when and where peaks occur. ■
create uniquely framed views of a shared public outdoor area between the two phases. “For example, the frameless, full- glass façade is not only energy ef- ficient, but it has a self-cleaning silicone base that ensures minimal maintenance over the coming years,” says Punt. Some of the other energy effi- ciency features include optimised air conditioning, a central heat recovery system and motion sensor light fit- tings. The domestic hot water system is integratedwith the air conditioning system to receive recovered heat dur- ing cooling or simultaneous cooling and heating modes. When cooling is not required by the air conditioning system, it acts as an air-cooled heat pump to efficiently deliver heat to the domestic hot water system. Sustainability initiatives that were incorporated include the use of recycled shutter boards for concrete casting, recycled steel components,
New sanitation plant
Leon Basson, ShadowDeputy Minister of Water and Sanitation for the Democratic Alliance says that the Minister of Water and Sanitation, NomvulaMokonyane, is expected to sign a R10 billion contract tobuild an acid mine desalination plant.
Free State. As this long-termplan will be implemented by both the Depart- ments of Water and Sanitation and Mineral Resources, Basson questions how much money departments will contribute towards construction and operational costs of the desalination plant. Basson urges Mokonyane to table this plan before Parliament as a matter of urgency to address all the issues. ■
an urgent plan is required - we must approach the solutions in a holistic manner to benefit fromour interven- tions – and one that does not result in crippling costs.” The Department has estimat- ed that there is sufficient water in Gauteng until 2018, but thereafter there will be insufficient water to continue the dilution process of mines in the western basin. This will have an impact on Gauteng and the
October 2015
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