Housing in Southern Africa October 2015
Industry Buzz, Events & Products
Glue free linking system
vantage, to solve Africa’s huge chal- lenges of energy shortage. Energy is a very wide field and opens enormous job opportunities for women at all levels to showand use their talent, be it in traditional means of generating energy or renewable or gas and fuel.” The event provides a platform for women to network, share their knowledge, and discuss achieve- ments for the advancement of wom- en to leadership positions across all Energy sectors. This is your opportunity to play a role in developing women in the energy sector across Africa! For further information go to www.africaenergyindaba.com ■ Fidrmuc said, clients have also realised the potential of simply changing Interface carpet tile ”rugs” to match new décor and moods. “Drawing from Interface’s vast range of carpet tiles, the rugs could fea- ture unlimited patterns or designs. One visitor, for example, indicated that he would link various Interface carpet tiles to form the British flag on his tiled rug. Generally, the stand showed the unlimited potential of Interface carpet tiles: from full-floor installation to decorative rug applica- tions - all incorporating the different patterns and colours that carpet tiles make possible; and all linked with the TacTiles adhesive-freemethod of installing carpet tiles,” she added. ■ ees. TacTiles are quick to install and donot need time to set: as soon as the carpet tiles are laid, the floor is ready to use. There is also no stickymess on the backing and no need for a costly clean-up of the sub-floor.”
The flexible adhesive-free system used to install Interface carpet tiles offers a versatile, practical solution for residential and commercial use.
K evin Bates Alberts Carpets (KBAC), sole distributors for Interface, launched two new eco-flooring ranges Equal Measure and Near and Far, from the world’s largest modular flooring producer. Interface TacTiles are small, clear plastic adhesive squares placed un- der the carpet tiles to link them firmly to each other. This system creates a floating floor layer with the carpet tiles securely held together, but not permanently stuck down.
Programmes favouring renewable energy and energy efficiency will create numerous jobs and business opportunities throughout the African continent, and women have a large role to play in the development of sustainable energy projects. The Women in Energy Confer- ence has been designed to rec- ognise the increase in leadership and development of women in- volved in the African energy sector. Last year, NEPAD Agency CEO, Dr Ibrahim Mayaki said, “It is high time to empower women to leadership positions in the energy field in Africa and to tap into their valuable contri- butions, skills and competitive ad- Les l ey F i drmuc f rom KBAC explains, “Comparedwith traditional carpet tile glue, TacTiles are envi- ronmentally-friendly and bring no volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and unpleasant glue odours to the home or office. This greatly improves indoor air quality and, in the business environment, means that an adhe- sive-free installation of carpet tiles is possible while staff are working, as there is no disruption of business or inhalation of glue fumes by employ-
Save the date
T he 2 nd annual Women in Energy conference will take place at the 2016 Africa Energy Ind- aba on February 16 and 17 at the Sandton Convention Centre and promises to build on the success of the 2015 event. Following the success of the inaugural Women in Energy Conference, the Africa En- ergy Indaba will again be hosting the Conference as an official event.
October 2015
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