Housing in Southern Africa October 2015
MyCiTi carries over 31 million passengers
A ccording to Councillor Brett Herron, theCity’sMayoral Com- mittee Member, Transport for Cape Town, “When we rolled out the first routes in the run-up to the 2010 FIFA World Cup, we never imagined that the MyCiTi service would growat such a pace. We are now transporting nearly 48 000 passengers every week- day. On average, the MyCiTi buses cover a distance of over 1 270 000 kilometres per month and have be- come an integral part of Cape Town.” The City’s transport authority has steadily rolled out routes within the City Bowl and also to destinations further afield, linking areas such as Hout Bay, Imizamo Yethu, Hangberg, Atlantis, Table View, Dunoon, Century City, the Cape Town International Air- port and parts of Mitchells Plain and Khayelitshawith Cape Town’s central business district.
Since the City of Cape Town launched the MyCiTi bus routes in the inner-city, the service has provided transport for 31,1 million passengers.
road service,” saidHerron. The uptake of the N2 Express service is steadily increasing, with a total number of 84 873 passenger journeys recorded in July 2015 – an increase of nearly 4% in comparison with the previous month. As far as the whole service is con- cerned, a total of 1 325 702 passenger journeys were recorded on MyCiTi routes in July 2015. This is an increase of 146 385 passengers or 12,4% in comparison with June 2015. Despite the roll-out of new routes and the increase in passenger numbers, the buses along the trunk routes arrive on time 89% of the time. ■ of 25,8% - and now stands close to 12%, while fuel costs in that time have quadrupled. In circumstances like this said Clarke, it is not surprising that South African household debt is still equal to over 70% of the GDP. More than half of South Africans applying for mortgage bonds are automatically disqualified, due to credit impair- ments. “Looking at the economy right now, it is very difficult to predict a significant upturn within the next three or four years. We can only hope that this comes about in the fairly near rather than the distant future.” said Clarke. ■
The MyCiTi service consists of 31 routes, 36 stations, 500 bus stops, 466 bus drivers and more than 215 buses operating during peak hours. “The MyCiTi service is part of the City’s broader strategy of investing in infrastructure that will help drive economic growth, development and inclusion. Affordable, safe and ef- ficient public transport networks are also a critical element in breaking down apartheid-era spatial planning, and as such we will focus on those communities who live far away from job opportunities. The communities from Mitchells Plain and Khayelitsha have welcomed the N2 Express ring
Lacklustre economy Estate agents report that the vast majority of South Africans genuinely aspire to become home owners, in reality, less than 35% are likely to realise their ambitions within the next 10 years.
T ony Clarke, Managing Director of the Rawson Property Group, says a great many South Afri- cans in the lower income and middle class categories have found them- selves in a real financial predicament, since the 2008/2010 downturn. Recapping on South Africa’s eco- nomic performance since early 2000,
Clarke pointed out that a US$1 equalled R6,94. Today, the exchange rate stands at R11,90 and is likely to go through the R12 mark. The Rand’s status against the Euro and the £ is equally weak. In the same period (i.e. since 2000) Eskom charges have risen year-on- year from 5,5% to a peak (in 2011)
October 2015
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