Housing in Southern Africa October-November 2016

NHBRC’s IBT Analyser IBT Analyser is a relational database system that uses quantitative and qualitative data packaged in a data cartridges. This software tool enables decision makers and the professional team to select the appropriate IBT system for a user-defined set of criteria.

T he essential purpose of the NHBRC software tool is to ef- fectively and efficiently assist in the selection of appropriate IBT systems, within a specific climate andwith the consideration a number of other quantitative and qualitative criteria. In the past this was almost impossible, because it is too time consuming to study Agrement certifi- cates and execute a rational design for every new project. The software application is a relational database and uses a con- venient generic concept of ‘data cartridges’. A ‘data cartridge’ is a set of performance data such as the amount of energy that a specific con- struction system type would require for heating and cooling in a specific climate. This concept makes it pos- sible to expand the system in future. The system is generic and can sup- port any number of ‘data cartridges’ and any number of construction systems. The IBT Analyser is a custom- made software tool, which will assist planners and designers to compare a number of building systems tak- ing into account climatic context, region of the proposed sit as well as performance characteristics of the systems, for use in the home building sector. The IBT Analyser will identify the technology most suitable in ac- cordance with the set of user-defined criteria and enhance selection and the decision making process. A CSIR Köppen-Geiger climatic map of South Africa distinguishes 14 climatic zones as opposed to the six zone model of SANS 204. Weather files were created for the 14 zones as well as virtual models of each repre- sentative IBT and masonry building system. Virtual models were created and correlated to that of a measured notional building to ensure accuracy of the simulated data. The Agrément certification of a sample of 25 certi- fied systems was extensively evaluat- ed and graded qualitatively on a five point scale. Standard masonry and lightweight steel construction meth-

The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in collaborationwith the National Home Builders Registration Council designed and developed an Innovative Building Technology Analyser and User Guide software. The IBT Analyser is a novel analysis software tool to facilitate the selection of appropriate IBT systems for a given set of criteria.

ods were also modelled, bringing to 27 the number of pre-populated sample building systems. The catego- ries rated were: energy requirement, durability, acoustic performance, condensation and fire performance. The User Guide describes: The software design philosophy. Opera- tion of the new Innovative Building Technology (IBT) Analyser software. How to analyse and input new IBT systems. Defining relative importance of criteria (user-discretion). How to compare the performance of the list of IBT systems against user-defined criteria.The software predicts the performance an expansible set of building systems. It equips the user to select a warranted resolution/s

for the proposed site, whether it is an IBT system or masonry construction, consequentially ensuring the design of comfortable and energy-efficient buildings within South Africa’s di- verse climate. The IBT Analyser summarises the list of systems that have been pre- populated in the software systemand their classifications. To facilitate the categorization and analysis of sys- tems a special classification system has been created. The classification uses an extensible alphabetic system and ranges from light weight (Clas- sification A) to heavy weight (Clas- sification G) systems. In the original system not all IBT systems have been analysed in detail with regards


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