Housing in Southern Africa October-November 2016

Insist on time and cost saving, INSIST ON PRO-FIT

Pro-Fit is a polymer based hot and cold water supply system that offers contractors a complete solution that is suitable for residential and commercial installations. This revolutionary hot and cold technology requires minimal training, is cost effective and promises many advantages. With the benefit of being a system that is quick to install, the likelihood of a plumber saving up to 50% of the usual time it takes to perform an installation becomes a reality – resulting in even further cost saving. THE MARLEY PRO-FIT SYSTEM LEVERAGES THE ADVANTAGES AVAILABLE IN MATERIAL TECHNOLOGY.


There are many advantages to the Pro-Fit hot and cold system which include:  Cost saving  No corrosion & no scale build-up  Quieter plumbing  Energy and water savings

 Healthier water  No scrap value

 Variety of Pro-Fit fittings available  Manufactured from the highest grade PE-RT (Polyethylene with Raised Temperature Resistance)

www.marleypipesystems.co.za | +27 11 739 8600

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