Housing in Southern Africa September 2015
Doors, Windows, Floors & Walls
Jasmin Kraneveldt, from leading sanitaryware and tiling retailer, Bathroom Bizarre, says that successfully working within a small budget can often result in the most creative design solutions.
K raneveldt says, “Flooring is something that you come in contact with on a daily basis, both visually and physically as a re- sult, it sets the tone for the look and feel of the home. Flooring is costly to install, it isn’t a feature that can be changed often. It is important to consider the pros and cons of each type and then make an informed decision.” There are various different types of flooring available; the main ones include carpeting, tiles, and laminate, hardwood and vinyl flooring. “Tiles, laminate and vinyl flooring are cur- rently the most popular types of flooring available, largely due to its Tiles are one of the most popular options in floor coverings today. From porcelain, ceramic and even natural stone tiles, there is a type of tile to suit everybody’s budget, taste and requirements. “Available in an incredibly wide selection of colours, textures, designs, shapes and sizes, tiles offer a whole host of other ben- efits aswell, whichmakes thema very popular and practical to use.” These include: • Easy to install: Tiles are not benefits and affordability. Tantalising tiles
ideal solution for wet areas such as bathrooms and kitchens. • Durable: Tiles canwithstand years of heavy traffic and are extremely hardwearing. Lovely laminates Laminate flooring is becoming one of the most popular floor coverings on the market. It is affordable, beautiful and easy to install. The only drawback to laminate flooring is the fact that it is not water-resistant, so it should not be used for bathrooms, kitchens or outdoor applications.” The Alpine Forest range of lami- nate flooring offers high-end good
difficult to install and are really easy tomaintain. No special clean- ing solutions are required, if tiles are glazed and sealed. • Easy to clean: Spills can be quickly and easily wiped up, and routine cleaning can be accomplished us- ing mild cleansing solution and a sponge mop. • Indoor and outdoor: Another ma- jor benefit is the fact that tiles can be used for indoor and outdoor applications. Tiles are also UV- resistant, fade proof, crack or peel when exposed to lots of sunlight and UV rays. • Water-resistant: Tiles are water- resistant, which makes them an
September 2015
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