Housing in Southern Africa September 2016


investigated. Besides the green com- ponent, the added benefit of these measures will also reduce electricity demand by the development and make the township socially and vi- sually more attractive. A new water reservoir is being constructed while Fleurhof will obtain electricity from the shared sub-station the group implemented for the Pennyville proj- ect. The estimated project revenue is R4 068 billion. All of the bulk and link infrastruc- ture upgrades that are being done as part of the Fleurhof development are not all project specific requirements. The City of Johannesburg is utilis- ing the project as a catalyst to drive infrastructure development with the area to unlock future residential A new water reservoir is being constructed while Fleurhof will obtain electricity from the shared sub-station the group implemented for the Pennyville project.

developments along Main Reef Road in Roodepoort. The regional reservoir andbulkwater infrastructurepipeline along Main Reef Road are being built as part of the general upgrading of infrastructure in the old mining cor- ridor. The R85 million infrastructure project will alleviate the current pres- sure on water infrastructure, roads, sewerage, reticulation and storm water facilities. It will also provide

capacity for the future residential developments to be undertaken within the area. The R80 million construction of the Fleurhof sub-station is being undertaken by the City of Johan- nesburg with the financial backing of the Department of Energy. The sub-station will provide capacity for future residential developments on this economic corridor. ■

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