Lighting in Design August-September 2017
Light: by Gregg Cocking
the defining element that completes a project
T he importance of lighting in architecture and the expertise that architects and lighting designers bring to projects has never been more evident than in current projects being con- structed on the African continent. The quality of lighting in a space defines its char- acter. The human eye perceives its form through the incidence and reflection of light and in that way acquires information about the ambience in a given place. Visual impressions are interpreted in our brains and put in context to create emotions
that move us to take particular actions. In public spaces for example, light provides a safe environ- ment where people can meet and undertake a range of activities. The projects highlighted below display a particu- lar agility and deftness in their design responses, each showcasing technical skill coupled with artistic inventiveness and an awareness of light and its ability to be the defining element that completes a project.
LiD AUG/SEP 2017
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