Lighting in Design August-September 2017
Alice Lane Auditorium Because auditoriums and lecture halls are multi-purpose spaces, the lighting within needs to satisfy a range of requirements if it is to accomplish each task successfully. This demands the utmost scrutiny and effort from lighting designers. The Alice Lane Auditorium is remark- able for its faceted ceiling and acoustic panels and Regent Lighting was responsi- ble for matching the lighting to the venue. To do this, the company used a custom designed DALI addressable Linear Mini 24W p/m. Slender lines of light set in an architectural environment are the essence of the Linear Mini, and its simple elegance and adaptability accommodate the audi- torium perfectly.The fittings are recessed into the ceiling at various lengths and con- nected continuously at carefully identified angles to meet the design requirements of the intricate modern ceiling. To provide sufficient lighting onto the stage area, Regent used the recessed ceiling mounted Kibo 2001 29.5 W, 4000 K. The Kibo, which is 45° adjustable around the horizontal plane and 355° ad- justable on the vertical plane is supplied with an external power supply and is DALI dimmable. The end result is impressive and the auditorium, like the building in which it is housed, is iconic.
Regent Lighting: +27 (0)11 474 0171
LiD AUG/SEP 2017
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