Lighting in Design May/June 2017
Photographs by Quintin Erasmus.
LEDs on a circular download. The installation cycles through 26 scenes each day to create the chosen spectrum and, according to Ashford-Smit, the cross-fade between colours is so seamless it is barely noticeable. Lighting control was central to the success of the installation, not only for the scene changes and dimming control but also to achieve the maximum energy saving. Triac used the Intellibus system, a South African designed and manufactured digital lighting control system. Bespoke PWM dimming panels control the RGBW LED channels, whilst Intellibus LED low power dimmer modules control all the LED downlights.The four-channel PWM dim-
ing tables, while strategically placed infinity mirror tunnel LED lamps add to the extraordinary effect.This portion of the lighting installation was by Giantlight. Ashford-Smit says the concept of using geo- metric patterns of light and colour sequencing to transport visitors to a radical new world is very successful. The different colours and contrasts subtly change the atmosphere; chromotherapeuti- cally stimulating a variety of feelings, moods and emotions; disrupting circadian cycles and keeping people awake and stimulated. This is the oppor- tunity a casino affords, and is what differentiates Times Square from all the others. The LED channels are populated with RGBW
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