Lighting in Design November-December 2015
Penza: a stylish post top
Ideal for parks and gardens, squares and piazzas, residential or parking areas, the elegant Penza from Regent Lighting is a stylish addition to any urban design. Housed in LM6 die cast aluminium and rated to IP65, this deco- rative luminaire will ensure efficient visual comfort and yet function equally well as a design element. It can be post or pedestal mounted and comes with a built-in heat sink for efficient thermal management. Twenty four or thirty six high powered LEDs, mounted onto an aluminium circuit board that incorporates Zener diodes and thermal protection, guarantee a long life span – and therefore reduced main- tenance – and high efficiency. Various lens options are available for different applications and to allow for custom solutions. Regent Lighting Solutions is a Johannesburg based lighting manufacturer with branches nationwide. Established in 1990 and currently employing 280 members of staff, the company specialises in the manufacture of standard or customised luminaires for local and international projects. Regent Lighting Solutions: + 27 11 474 0171 In the past number of years, LED technology has undergone remark- able development, not only in terms of light quality, anti-glare and efficiency, but initial investment costs are now at a reasonable level and the operating costs are minimal.Tommy Govén, head of research at Fagerhult, was part of the team that undertook a study to find out what people think of LEDs compared to traditional T5 light sources. Working with the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University, the team built two identical rooms both of which were equipped with direct light above the workstation and supplementary ambient on the walls. In one room LED lighting was used and in the other T5. The results were clear: the LED light was perceived as being brighter and more pleasant with ambient lighting of 100 cd/m 2 , a feeling that persisted up to 300 cd/m 2 . When LED lighting is used in an office, therefore, employees will work in a brighter, better working environ- ment that consumes less energy. Having recently been acquired by Fagerhult, Lighting Innovations is now in a position to offer a number of new products, one of which is the Tibi, a round beam ceiling luminaire, whose attractive design, inspired by Piet Hein’s super ellipse, provides a striking aesthetic component. Good direct light is complemented by indirect light to- wards the ceiling and the Tibi’s distinct form is maximised through advanced LED technology.The luminaire family consists of pendants, ceiling and wall luminaires with theTibi Pendant being supplied with DALI dimming as standard. In the long term, human wellbeing means greater profitability for the company. LED technology provides many opportunities to create a good working environment; and a well-designed workspace can strengthen a company’s brand and help to attract employees. Creating a good working environment
Lighting Innovations Africa: +27 11 444 1168
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