Lighting in Design Q1 2024

Forecourt in the spotlight BEKA Schréder kickstarts a lighting project by supplying the exterior lighting solution for Zoutpansberg Motors, a Shell service station located in the Louis Trichardt area.

Z outpansberg M otors recently transformed itself with an overhaul highlighted by the lighting solution from BEKA Schréder. “Our luminaire products are all proudly South African designed, manufactured and installed. T he solution chosen for this uniq ue proj ect mak es visitors to the well-lit service station feel safe and comfortable to stop at night,” says Gerhard Rademeyer, BEKA Schréder’s Regional Manager – Northern Branch. I l l um inat ing t h e w o rk sp ac e BEKA Schréder’s LEDTEC luminaire was used to illuminate the filling station’s forecourt area. “ It is an L E D lowbay range that designed for energy-efficient lighting in industrial, commercial and petrochemical retail environments, ” ex plains R ademeyer, who adds, “ T he L E D T E C is also available as a battery back -up version that can be used in emergency situations. T hese L E D s are suited to multiple indoor and outdoor lighting applications with its typical lumen pack ages per product range and mounting options. ” Sh o p p ing h igh l igh t For the Spar Express Shop’s lighting, BEKA Schréder opted for its VAPOURLINE linear LED luminaires. “ T his is a high-performance luminaire that provides an energy-efficient lighting solution. With a lifetime five times longer than a fluorescent tube, this modern linear L E D luminaire lowers the total cost of ownership of a lighting installation and eliminates the need for maintenance, ” says Rademeyer. BEKA Schréder chose its QVAL to provide general area lighting around the building, with the illumination expert saying, “The QVAL is a

high-performance and reliable L E D wall pack that outperforms conventional wall-mounted bulk head luminaires by providing a bright and long-lasting light. T he design ensures a discreet integration without compromising on performance. ” Seeing w h at y o u are do ing The filling station’s fuel loading area makes use of BEKA Schréder’s LEDLUME 3 luminaires that offer optimised photometrical performance with a minimum total cost of ownership. “ It provides customers with the ideal tool to generate energy savings, improve lighting levels and also reduce maintenance costs, ” says R ademeyer, who concludes by reminding us that “BEKA Schréder develops and manufactures every product here in South Africa. Our products are designed and suitable for local conditions, and we are proud to be associated with Shell in providing a successful lighting solution for this proj ect” .


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