Lighting in Design Q1 2024
Go greener with LED lighting There are many tools to transform your home into a greener, more efficient space – but lighting leader Eurolux says that lighting could be the most important.
Illuminating the interplay of Lighting & Architecture In the world of architecture, light is not merely an afterthought or an accessory; it is a fundamental building block that shapes the very essence of spaces. F rom ancient temples to modern sk yscrapers, the interplay between light and architecture has been a source of inspiration and
careful manipulation of light and shadow, architects craft dynamic compositions that evok e emotion and are able to create sensory ex periences, ” says architectural associate Arianna Ghezzi from UK-based illumination specialists Lighting Design international. “ C onsider, for instance, the play of light in G othic cathedrals, where intricate stained glass windows filter sunlight to cast a kaleidoscope of colours and patterns onto the interior surfaces. T his interplay between light and shadow imbues these sacred spaces with an ethereal q uality,
innovation for hundreds of years. L ight, whether natural or artificial, has had a profound influence as a constructive element in architectural design. A sy m p h o ny o f sh ado w s and il l um inat io n “ L ight has the power to sculpt space, transforming the ordinary into the ex traordinary. T hrough the
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