Lighting in Design Q1 2024

Go greener with LED lighting There are many tools to transform your home into a greener, more efficient space – but lighting leader Eurolux says that illumination could be the most important. E nergy-efficient lightbulbs are designed to consume less energy than traditional incan descent bulbs while being able to provide other areas in your home that will help with going green and max imise savings, such as: •

Smart design: If you are building from the ground up, your orientation and design is k ey. P ositioning the home to tak e advantage of natural light and prevailing winds reduces the need for artificial light and mechanical cooling and heating. • Effective insulation: “To maintain a comfortable indoor temperature, proper insulation is important, ” says E urolux . “ T his will minimise the need for ex cessive heating or cooling. H igh-q uality materials such as fibreglass, cellulose or spray foam can reduce heat loss during winter and heat gain during summer. T o significantly improve energy efficiency, insulate the walls and ceiling. ” • Efficient windows & doors: Heat transfer mainly occurs through windows and doors and there are energy-efficient options available. “ D ouble or even triple-pane windows with low emissivity coatings reduce transfer, ” ex plains Eurolux, adding that “energy-efficient framing materials such as vinyl or fibreglass have superior insulation properties compared to traditional aluminium frames” . • W ater-efficient fix tures: W ater usage can form an important part of any environmentally conscious home. “ L ow-flow showerheads, faucets and dual-flush toilets all reduce waste without compromising comfort. T here is also the option of harvesting rainwater for outdoor irrigation, ” adds the brand. • Renewable energy integration: After nearly two decades of loadshedding, solar panels and battery back -up systems are commonplace. “ By generating electricity on-site, homeowners can offset energy costs and even contribute surplus energy back to the grid, ” says E urolux .

equivalent or better illumination. The fittings offer several advantages, including lower energy costs, longer lifespan and reduced environmental impact, says the team at E urolux , adding, “ W ith rising electricity costs and increasing concerns about climate change, building an energy-efficient home has become a priority. A house designed with en ergy efficiency in mind helps reduce environmental impact and leads to significant long-term savings R eplacing traditional incandescent lightbulbs with energy-efficient alternatives such as LEDs (light emitting diodes) should be the first step you take, and it will automatically result in energy savings. “ L E D s consume less electricity, emit less heat, and have longer lifespans. For outdoor spaces, solar fixtures that are powered up by the energy of the sun are ideal for reducing energy consumption, ” says the illumination brand. LEDs are the most energy-efficient lightbulbs and are the preferred choice for lighting in most applications nowadays. “ T he semiconductor technology that is used to produce light consumes significantly less energy than incandescent or fluorescent bulbs,” explains Eurolux. “LED bulbs are available in a range of colour temperatures, shapes and siz es, mak ing them suitable for various applications. T hey last much longer than traditional bulbs, lasting upwards of 3 0 0 0 0 hours longer than traditional bulbs, reducing replacement freq uency on electricity bills. ” L igh t t h e w ay

and maintenance costs. ” D o n’t f o rget ab o ut …

O nce you have replaced all your lightbulbs with new LED fittings, it is time to turn your attention to


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