Lighting in Design Q1 2024

spaces that enrich the human ex perience and contribute to the overall q uality of life. ”

our habits and adapt to what the human body needs, promoting good health and proper sleep rhythms, ” says the C E O . • Solar lighting: Martín says, “Architectural projects must be more efficient and sustainable. As a result of this, the use of renewable energies in lighting proj ects is increasing. Solar lighting has numerous advantages, such as energy savings, easy upk eep and lower environmental impact. ” • Li-Fi (light fidelity): This wireless technology is the eq uivalent of using a computer connected to a Wi-Fi antenna, except that in this case the light from a light bulb is interpreted instead of the Wi-Fi signal. “This demonstrates that light can be much more than j ust light. It is a form of data transmission by visible light using L E D bulbs that flicker at a speed imperceptible to the human eye, ” says M artí n • Lighting plays a significant role in cultural and social contex ts, illuminating landmark s, monuments, and public spaces for celebrations, festivals and community gatherings. L ighting installations serve as symbols of identity, heritage and civic pride, fostering a sense of belonging and unity among communities. Martín concludes, “Architectural lighting is essential for enhancing the aesthetics, functionality and emotional impact of built environments. By integrating lighting design principles with architectural vision, designers create immersive, dynamic and sustainable



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