Lighting in Design Q1 2024

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E D sp ac e E ditor’s comment. H igh l igh t o n educ at io n c el eb rat io n

Illumination leader R egent L ighting Solutions exp lores the revamp of the iconic W its bridge for its centenary celebration, revealing how it combined with a leading archi tectural firm to shine new light to the often-overlooked landmark.


P ub l ic sp ac es are p erf ec t f o r l igh t ing m ast erp iec es D esign consultancy L ightemotion ex plores the challenges it faced when it was ask ed to reimagine Sq uare V iger, a neglected public space bridging M ontreal’s contemporary downtown core with the preserved history of O ld M ontreal. F o rec o urt in t h e sp o t l igh t Lighting specialist BEKA Schréder has helped transform the forecourt and shopping space at the Z outpansberg M otors Shell service station, turning the little business in L ouis T richardt into the brightest spot on the strip. A rc h it ec t ure & L igh t ing’s l o v est o ry D elve into the romance shared by architecture and lighting, and discover how the two creative elements can be used together to create atmosphere and ambiance, to highlight or downplay features, and to tell a story without words. G o green T here is no better time to start transforming your living and work spaces into greener, earth-friendly environments – and the easiest way to ki ckst art this j ourney is with a lighting overhaul to replace traditional bulbs with energy-efficient LEDs. I nsp ire y o ur il l um inat io n p ro j ec t s L ighting and design go hand-in-hand and they provide an incredible tool to archi tects and conceptual designers, whether you are using natural light from the sun or artificial illumination solutions. N ew s T he famed Soweto T heatre introduces a brand-new high-tech lighting setup to enhance its stage plays and performances, and C hinese scientists use satellites to help monitor and manage L E D light pollution.


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