Lighting in Design Q2 2023

The best lighting choice for gardeners, garden designers and landscapers Lightpro is one of Techmar’s many brands and has an extensive range of lights to suit all tastes and applications. The brand is now available in more than 40 countries, including South Africa. It is the best choice for gardeners, garden designers and landscapers.

M arketing and communications manager for Lightpro, Wendy Beukers, explains why its market share is growing so enormously: “It is our mission at Techmar to make the outdoor living environment attractive and safe. Techmar has been developing and selling garden lighting systems for over 20 years, so we really know this market. We continuously strive to stay ahead by developing new and innovative products every year.” Can landscapers install garden lighting themselves? Yes; in the development of the high-end brand Lightpro, a conscious choice was made for a 12 V system. As a result of this, no specialist electrical knowledge is required and a landscape gardening company can install the system quickly, simply, and safely. This ensures that a consumer not only has a safe system, but also only one point of contact for their entire garden construction. For the land scape gardener, this is an excellent opportunity to increase the margin on their projects. Thanks to the low voltage, consumers can rest easy knowing that their outdoor lights are safe for children or pets. From Dutch soil All Lightpro products are designed in the Nether lands, and this is reflected in the design of the light fixtures. They are stylish, functional, robust and at the same time they meet the latest trends. Wendy mentions another important topic: “Because we control the entire chain ourselves, we are confident in the quality of the Lightpro range to be able to provide a five-year warranty

on products. Another great thing about Lightpro is that most lights are dimmable. Although it was always said that dimming on 12 V was not possi ble, we managed to do it. Also, the whole range is built using energy efficient quality LEDs, so very economical to run and this means it is kinder on the environment.” The award-winning connector Whether you choose a ground spot, a post light, an LED strip or a wall fixture, they all have one connecting element – the Lightpro developed, award-winning connector. This easily connects all lights quickly and with out any problems. As a landscape gardener you want to work quickly and efficiently and Lightpro’s connector certainly contributes to this. Smart lighting The latest developments focus on home auto mation; everything, including outdoor lighting, is ‘smart’ these days. Lightpro is leading the way with its NXT series. The first smart phase has been on the market since the end of 2019: the Lightpro NXT Switch. By adding one or more NXT-Switches, you can control your system with an app. You can easily create zones and switch them on and off individually. The new phase will come this year – smart lights. You can then control the smart light individually with a smart phone app. You can, for example, dim the smart light and switch them to any desired colour. Do you want yellow light for the rhododendrons, blue for the pond or red for the roses? It is possible, and the possibilities are endless


LiD Q2 - 2023

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