Lighting in Design Q4 2023

lights can also be positioned closer to the wall to accentuate and highlight an elaborate backsplash or countertop item,” says Radiant. “If illumination for tasks such as preparing food or reading recipe books is a priority, then the fixtures need to be closer to the front of the cabinet so that their lighting capacity is not restricted.” • Do not be afraid to experiment. Move your fixtures and furniture around the room. This is a simple way to elevate the look of your home and it does not cost anything. “By removing a fixture from one room and placing it in another, you give the piece new life and create a fresh look in both spaces at the same time,” says Radiant. You can also place light fixtures in unexpected spaces for an interesting look. For example, a chandelier in the bathroom, a small table lamp perched on a bookshelf, or sconces flanking the bed. • Brighter is not always better. Diffused lights provide incredible atmosphere when you are looking for a relaxed feeling. When installing or moving your lights, be sure to have at least one diffused lighting fixture in the room. This type of light is softer, warmer and more flattering, which contrasts with concentrated, direct undiffused light sources in the same space. Opaque glass, paper veils and fabric shades all produce diffused lighting. • Scale your fixtures correctly. Be certain of your measurements when installing new lights. Incorrect positioning or lightbulbs can give the space an unbalanced feel, explains

Radiant. “A fixture that is too large for a room can look out of place and overwhelming, while one that is too small will not provide sufficient illumination.” Lighting is as important to a room’s atmosphere as the actual room construction and decor – and it is easy to get wrong or right.



LiD Q4 - 2023

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