MechChem Africa April 2018
⎪ Hydraulic and pneumatic systems ⎪
Compact, lightweight and mobile – the efficiency trio of Utility compressors
“ T he8SeriesUtilityair compressor range delivers our value propo- sition of lowest overall cost of ownership, which differentiates us as a preferred supplier of portable energy products to diverse industries,” says David Stanford, business line manager – portable products, Atlas Copco Power Technique. Designed for secure integration intoutility trucks andotherOEMapplications, theUtility range incorporates the latest advances in Atlas Copco’s pioneering air element design, offering improved efficiency, unmatched reli- ability, increasedmachine lifetime and longer service intervals. ThecurrentUtility line-upcomprises three compressors (U130, U175 and U190) avail- able in flow ranges from 3.7 to 5.4 m³/min, working pressures between 7.0 and 12 bar and FAD (free air delivery) of up to 190 cfm. Stanford adds that the rangewill be extended during 2018, which will not only expand ap- plication opportunities but will also offer customers a wider choice. “Theefficient, reliable, convenient andver- satileUtility series provides theperfect onsite power supply solution formaximised uptime, productivity and, ultimately, profitability,” continues Stanford. “Defined as ‘the state of being useful, profitable or beneficial’, ‘utility’ aptly describes these compressors, which combine all three benefits in a lightweight, compact package.” The footprint of the space-saving 8 Series Utility range is 10% smaller on average than comparable compressors. In addition, with a full-size fuel tank and aftercooler – and an optional built-in generator is even avail- able – these compressors weigh less than 750 kg, which is as much as 150 kg lighter than comparable models. Thanks to this compact size/lightweight combination the compressors nowfit intomore vehicle types, The word Utility is defined as ‘the state of being useful, profitable or beneficial’, and aptly describes the newAtlas Copco Series 8 Utility range of air compressors. The range incorporates the latest advances in Atlas Copco’s pioneering air element design, offering improved efficiency, unmatched reliability, increased machine lifetime and longer service intervals.
Efficient, reliable, convenient and versatile Utility series onsite power supply solution for maximised uptime, productivity and profitability.
thus expanding their use in applications such as highway works and crash barrier repair. “Even the largest unit in the range can be conveniently towed by a standard passenger vehicle,” notes Stanford. Fromaversatilityperspective,themachine alsoexcels: equipping the compressorwith an optional generator makes it possible to turn it into a multi-function machine that delivers both air and power. The reliable, high-performance engine delivers industry-leading fuel efficiency with savings of up to an impressive 8% on average against comparable machines. End users requiring a two-shift operationwithout refueling have the option of fitting an extra fuel tank, while a battery cut-off switch and starter motor protection system extends component life. The robust, high-humidity, corrosion-
with excellent man- agement skills and strong sales experi- ence puts Beckley in a position to lead HAW Johannesburg to greater heights,” says HAW’s general manager, Werner Joubert. Preceding this appointment Beckley filled the positions of Sales Manager and Branch Manager, the first for Cape Town and Johannesburg and the latter in Klerksdorp in Northwest Province. q resistant C3-rated canopy provides a tough exterior that protects themachine fromeven the harshest of conditions and temperature extremes. Simplicity of service has been factored into the design of the Utility range. With 1 000-hour service intervals, the machines only require an oil service after two years of operation. Thanks towide doors that provide easy access toparts, it is possible to replace all consumables within the compressor in under an hour with no special tools required. Alongside its world-class air compressor solutions, Atlas Copco Power Technique also offers turnkey power in the form of portable generators and light towers and fluid flow solutions such as dewatering pumps to cater for applications inSouthernAfrica’s construc- tion, industrial, oil and gas, andpetrochemical industries. q
New branch manager for HAW Hydraulic and Automation Warehouse (HAW), part of the Hytec Group, has appointed Jean Beckley to the position of branch manager for its Johannesburg operation.
Beckley, who has 10 years of experi- ence within the Group in the NorthWest Province, Gauteng and Western Cape, brings both sales andmanagement exper- tise to his role. His experience has given him insight to the agricultural, mining, marinemining and plastic injection indus- tries as well as general industry. “His extensive knowledge of hoses, fittings and mobile products combined
April 2018 • MechChem Africa ¦ 17
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