MechChem Africa April 2018
⎪ Automation, process control and instrumentation ⎪
Explosion-proof absolute encoder fits anywhere
Countapulse Controls is the agent for the absolute encoder from Hengstler, the AX65, as well as for the smallest camera-based sensor on the market for compartment fine positioning with high-bay storage devices, the Leuze IPS 200i.
M any applications that require the use of absolute encoders are demanding, not just from a performance perspective but also because of the operating environment. An example of this is applications where the encoder has to be explosion-proof due to the dangerous atmosphere in which it operates. - shoreplatformsorthosethatexperiencehuge shock loads of over 100Gs or even shaft loads of hundreds of newtons. TheHengstlerAX65absolute encoder has been engineered to handle all these require- ments, and is believed to be one of very few devices that can do this. Certified explosion-proof, the Hengstler AX65isbuiltwithmarine-gradestainlesssteel andhas a shock ratingof 200Gs andshaft load of 300 N. This tough encoder is not only the most compact in its class, it also offers an ex- ceptionally shallowdepth and body diameter of only 59 mm. This means it can be installed in applications where other larger explosion- proof encoders cannot be used. Carrying explosion-proof certification makes it ideal for mines, chemical plants and offshore oil platforms, as well as other appli- cations that require an encoder constructed from marine grade stainless steel. The shaft load rating eliminates the need for loadmod- ules, reducing costs. This device can be installed quickly and easily due to its flexible, quick-connect termi- nal system. It comes standardwith the choice of SSI or CANopen interface, and it is also possible to integrate the CANopen encoder in a ring network configuration. Small, but mighty: always on track With the IPS 200i, Leuze electronic has intro- duced the smallest camera-based sensor on the market for compartment fine positioning with high-bay storage devices in single-depth storage. Also available from Johannesburg based Countapulse Controls, this sensor of- fers some powerful advantages, among these its fast commissioning and simple alignment. Speedy commissioning is one of the most powerful advantages of the Leuze IPS 200i
sensor. This is accom- plishedusing aweb-based configuration tool and ad- justments are made directly on the small camera-basedde- vice itself. Engineered for optimumuserfriendliness, an alignment system with feedback LEDs provides additional support. Due to its clever and
Above: The Hengstler AX65 is built with marine-grade stainless steel and has a shock rating of 200 Gs and shaft load of 300 N. Left: The Leuze IPS 200i is the smallest camera-based sensor on the market. up to 600 mm. A model with integrated heating
compact design, theLeuze IPS200ionlyneedsasmall space on high-bay stor- age devices. This enables quick, easy and accurate compartment positioning ineither small part container storagewarehousing or in single-depthpallet high-bay warehouses. Equipped with powerful, ambient-light- independent IR LED lighting, a single device can be used for the entire working range of
is also available for use in refrigerated warehouses where temperatures go down to -30 °C.
The Hengstler AX65 is available from Countapulse Controls, which is also the of- ficial southern African distributor for Leuze Electronic’s rangeof sensing solutions, includ- ing the IPS 200i. q
Countapulse Controls for sensing technology Established more than forty years ago, Johannesburg-basedCountapulseControls is a leading southern African sensing tech- nology supplier. conform to the highest international qual- ity standards.
Focused on providing technologically sound sensing solutions through the inter- national brands it represents, Countapulse Controls has a strong customer service ethic and offers strong engineering and technical support. To ensure that South African industry benefits through transfer of technology and skills,andthecompanyoffersafulltechnical advisory servicewithemphasis oneffective application of sensor technology. With representatives in Cape Town, Durban, East London, Port Elizabeth, Namibia and Zimbabwe, Countapulse Controls also boasts a Johannesburg sales, service and stores facility with a well- equipped electro-mechanical/electronic workshop capable of providing custom- ised sensing solutions for a wide range of applications.
Representing some of the most ad- vanced counting, sensing and motion detection technology available interna- tionally, Countapulse Controls has built its success on a solid foundation of local applications knowledge, coupled with an expert understanding of state-of-the-art sensing technology. This ensures accurate specification of counters, sensors and mo- tion detectors through the selection of the most appropriate product for virtually any application. Included in Countapulse Controls’ comprehensive range of high-tech sensing solutions arecounters andencoders, photo- electronic sensors, opto-electronic switch- ing devices, flow and level sensors, speed measuring and monitoring equipment, as well as safety light curtains. All products
April 2018 • MechChem Africa ¦ 27
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