MechChem Africa April 2018
⎪ Automation, process control and instrumentation ⎪
Endress+Hauser is IIoT ready Visitors to this year’s Hannover Messe being held from 23–27 April 2018 in Hannover, Germany, can learn how Endress+Hauser helps its customers implement their Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) strategies. By using smart
sensors, solutions and services in specific process scenarios to demonstrate that these applications are ready for the IIoT, Endress+Hauser’s goal is to work together with its customers and technology partners to unlock digitalisation’s new potential. Parallel to the measurement values, Endress+Hauser field in- struments feature theconnectivity required to transmit diagnostic information, such as thedata generatedbyHeartbeat Technology, to the cloud. Functional enhancements to Heartbeat Technology enable the concrete implementation of predictive maintenance. TrustSens, theworld’s first self-calibrating temperature sensor, offers users a high degree of process reliability and system avail- ability thanks to automated, inline self-calibration. For users who need cost-effective measurement instruments for basic applica- tions, Endress+Hauser offers Picomag, a ‘pocket-sized’ flowmeter that features simple (Bluetooth) operationand systemintegration. Communication is carriedout viaan integratedWiFi/Bluetooth module or WirelessHART, thus eliminating the need to disrupt existingprocesscontrolsystems.Fornewinstallations,digitalcom- munication occurs directly via OPC-UA or an industrial Ethernet technology such as PROFINET or Ethernet/IP. q with discharge requirements, particularly the control of the qual- ity of the water and/or the quantity of contaminants discharged from the site. • Limiting or controlling erosion due to flow over exposed surfaces or in channels, swales, and creeks. • Estimating the demands onwater treatment plants, holding ponds, evaporation ponds, or wetlands. Monitoring and controlling water quality on mines forms part of the KPAs that need to be managed to comply with local legislations. Endress+Hauser can support mines by reducing these targets and assist them by reporting on the required KPAs and milestones even more efficiently. q
Reverse osmosis systems use high pressure to force water containing dissolved salts through special membranes, producing a high salt concentrate on the one side of the membrane and fresh water on the other. Minewater preparation is one of themost important processes for mining operations. A neutral pH valuewill ensure the efficiency of the settling, while turbidity measurements can determine the level of the suspended solids. Digital Memosens sensors, from Endress+Hauser, are highly accurate and can easily be calibrated without disturbing the processes, thanks to a removable headwhere data is stored. Up to eight Memosens sensors can be connected to a Liquiline transmitter CM44x to ensure water quality control is simple, which significantly reduces the costs per measuring point. Support for monitoring requirements Thewater balanceof the entiremine, several critical components or an individual facilitymust often be quantified as part of thewater quality and/or quantity management activities at mining sites. Reasons for undertaking a facility or site water balance study may include: • To evaluate strategies for optimum use of limited water supplies. • To establish procedures for limiting site discharge and complying
April 2018 • MechChem Africa ¦ 29
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