MechChem Africa April 2018
⎪ Products and industry news ⎪
Low profile bulk bag filler with explosion- proof controls
WearCheck oil analysis labs for Africa Condition monitoring specialists, WearCheck, in a bid to support industrial operations around many of the remote, less developed mining hotspots in Africa, has supplied world-class laboratories to those areas. Burkina Faso and Namibia are two of the destinations earmarked to receive their new WearCheck laboratories in the future, once set-up is complete. Each lab is equipped with the full range of high-tech instruments and the latest smart technology and is completely self- sufficient, with its own uninterrupted power supply. WearCheck managing director, Neil Robinson, comments: “The extraordinary func- tionality of our labs allows us to eliminate the need for relianceonbasic infrastructure suchas electricity, Internet connectivity, security and safety features. With these hurdles out of the way, the labs can operate in locations that are highly convenient for our customers. As indus- try needs evolve, we are constantly redesigning the labs to present reliability solutions in areas that previously seemed almost impossible to imagine with a world-class laboratory.”
Flexicon has introduced a TWIN- CENTREPOST™ Bulk Bag Filler with XP controls and reduced height posts for low headroom applications. It is equipped with a manual fill head height adjust- ment to accommodate smaller bag sizes, pneumatically retract- able bag hooks, an inflatable connector to seal the bag inlet spout,andafeedchuteoutletport for dust-free air displacement during filling. An explosion-proof electrical systemcontrolstheautomatedvi- bratorydensification/de-aeration deck, which stabilises the bag for storage and shipment.
Flexicon low profile TWIN-CENTREPOST™ Bulk Bag Filler has XP controls for de-aeration deck.
filler to receive USDA acceptance. The filler is available with a FLEXI CON™ flexible screw conveyor, FLEXI- DISC™ tubular cable conveyor or PNEUMATI-CON™ dilute-phase pneu- matic conveying system to deliver a full range of bulk materials from nearby or distant upstream sources.
The dual post frame is a patented de- signthatmaximisesstrengthandimproves accessibility to bag hooks while simplify- ing construction and reducing cost. It is constructed of carbon steel with durable industrial coating, with product contact surfaces of stainless steel. Also available in all-stainless construction finished to sanitary standards, it is the first bulk bag
April 2018 • MechChem Africa ¦ 41
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