MechChem Africa August 2017
⎪ Heating, cooling, ventilation and air conditioning ⎪
Celebrating its 20 th anniversary this year, A-Gas South Africa’s is a global leader in the supply and lifecycle management of refrigerant and service gases to the heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) industries. The company’s primary focus in South Africa is providing total solutions to its diverse markets. Total refrigerant solutions for SA
A -Gas South Africa is segmented into five business units, namely Refrigerants, Environmental Ser- vices, Industrial Special Products, Fire Protection and Performance Chemicals. “Through the wider A-Gas network, we see ourselves as being able to think globally and deliver locally. Our global knowledge and reach, combined with significant investment in bulk storage, equipment and cylinders, en- sures we can deliver the latest technologies and products,” says MD Johnny Scott. The growing trend for environment- friendly products has resulted inA-Gas South Africa actively promoting ‘cradle-to-grave’ product stewardship. “Wehaveauniqueenvi- ronmental service offering, whereby custom- ers have the option to return unwanted and/ or contaminated refrigerants to be recycled or destroyed,” Scott continues. This is a clear example of the company’s commitment to ensuring that the local HVACR industry remains up-to-datewith the latesttrendsanddevelopments.Inthisregard, A-Gas South Africa remains at the forefront of technological development within the industry. “We have the added benefit of sharing skills and experiences from more developed and advancedmarkets that theGroup has es- tablished over the past 20-plus years. During this time, A-Gas hasbuilt upa respectedbrand both locally and globally, a brand associated with quality product and high levels of ser- vice,” he adds. A-Gas South Africa has also played a lead- ing role in ensuring that the local HVACR industry meets the requirements within the regulatory framework established under the Montreal Protocol, an international treaty designed to protect the ozone layer by phas-
A-Gas MD, Johnny Scott.
ing out the production of the substances responsible for ozone depletion. The company was established in 1993 to introduce ‘greener’ alternatives to traditional CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons), A-Gas South Africa Commercial Director Chris Phillips points out. “We specialise in the supply of the latest environmentally acceptable refriger- ants, in addition to developing world-class recovery and reclamation facilities,” he says. A-Gas South Africa is always cognisant of the latest international developments in the HVACR industry. For example, it hailed the signing of the Kigali Amendment on 15 October 2016 as a “historic international agreement” for the phasedownof commonly- used, high GWP (Global Warming Potential) refrigerants. The Kigali Amendment includes: specific targets and timetables to replaceHCFCswith more environment-friendly alternatives; pro- visions to prohibit or restrict countries that have ratified the protocol or its amendments from trading in controlled substances with states that are yet to ratify it; and an agree- ment by developed countries to help finance the transitionof poor countries to alternative safer products. In particular, African countries opted to phase down the chemicals faster than required, citing the grave threats the region faces due to climate change. “We have been able tomeet our target of reducing ourHCFC consumption by 10% in 2015, and are com- mitted to ensuringwemeet all of our targets,” said SouthAfricanMinister of Environmental Affairs, Bomo Edna Molewa . The Kigali Amendment has divided the world’s major economies into three groups, eachwitha target phase-downdate. Themost developed countries, including theUS and the
European Union, will reduce the production and consumption of HCFCs from2019. Most of theworld, includingChina, Brazil, and all of Africa, will freeze the use of HCFCs by 2024. Asmall groupof theworld’s hottest countries, such as Bahrain, India, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE, only have to halt HFC production and use by 2028. “We believe that the Kigali Amendment is overwhelmingly good news for our business, and will help strengthen and grow A-Gas across all of our regions, as well as bringing new and exciting business opportunities. Robust international environmental policies, together with the necessary level of enforce- ment, are key drivers in the success of A-Gas worldwide. With this latest announcement,
we see this continu- ing to grow for many years to come,” reveals A-Gas group commer- cial business devel- opment director, Ken Logan. q
HFO-1234yf is a new class of refrigerant with a global warming potential (GWP) 335-times lower than R-134a and only four-times higher than CO 2 . It has similar cooling properties to R-134a, commonly used as an automotive refrigerant.
August 2017 • MechChem Africa ¦ 25
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