MechChem Africa August 2017
⎪ Products and industry news ⎪
Cable manufacturer recognised for automation range Automation cable systems are specially designed for optimal perfor- mance on sophisticated automation equipment. They are therefore unique in that they require precision manufacture that not only ensures the total integrity of information relayed and current trans- ported, the cables also need to be durable and reliable to handle the high mechanical stress and repetitive movements often associated with automated processes. In SouthAfrica, there is an increasedmove towards automation as stricter standards require ever-tighter tolerances, while the market place requires higher volumes and keener pricing. It is therefore es- sential that cabling systems, which are effectively the lifeblood of any automation project, are of the highest quality and fit-for-purpose. Helukabel South Africa’s sales manager, Hardus van Dyk, says au- tomation is becoming commonplace inmanufacturing, be it packaging, foodandbeverageprocessing, automotive, pharmaceuticals andahost of other production systems. “Our high-quality cables and cable accessories (eg, cable tracks,
glands and connectors), guarantee durable and reliable systems that can handle the high mechani- cal stress and repetitive, automated movements. Pre-assembled servo, mo- tor and feedback cables are also available for the world’s leading drive sys- tem manufacturers and these offer an economical alternativetotrackcables.
Helukabel’s high-quality cables and cable accessories guarantee durable and reliable automation systems.
New Hytec branch manager for Richards Bay
Herman Venter has been appointed as the new branch manager for Hytec inRichardsBay. Venter, who is no stranger to the Hytec Group, will beresponsibleformanagingexternal sales and assets as well as managing internal personnel at the branch. Venter has long been committed togrowing theHytecGroup inAfrica with his six years’ experience as a
technical sales representative at the Richards Bay branch. Prior to that, Venter honed his internal relations skills with over a decade of experience as a labour broker in the region. “With 15 years of experience in the shipping and labour industry, Herman brings great value and insight for our Richards Bay Team,” says Robbie Login, KZN area manager, Hytec. “This, paired with his approachable nature and open-door policy, will certainly see him succeed in his new role and, more importantly, help his ten-member team succeed in their roles.” Hytec is the hydraulic specialist company within the Hytec Group, specialising in the single-source supply of hydraulic components and turnkey hydraulic systems.
August 2017 • MechChem Africa ¦ 41
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