MechChem Africa August 2017
⎪ SAIChE news ⎪
A Women’s day celebration of SAIChE IChemE ladies
Linda Jewell is currently Chair of the Department of CivilandChemicalEngineering andProfessorattheUniversity of South Africa (Unisa). Linda serves as the treasurer for the Gauteng branch. Nirvanna Rampersad is a registered Professional Engineer and she serves as an IChemE contact on the
Maggie Chetty is the current Vice-Chair of the SAICHEKZNBranch andamember of the SAICHE National Council (from2017). She is currently the HOD of Chemical Engineering atDurbanUniversityof Technology. Shehelps onvariousprojectssuchasreviewerandjudge for the SAICHE Research Day, organising committee ICCT/SAICHE 2014 Conference, participant of the IndustryCaptains’ andKZN Chemical Engineering Forums. Lizelle van Dyk graduated with a PhD in Chemical Engineering (University of Stellenbosch) and is currently an Associate Professor at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits). Lizelle joined SAIChE Gauteng Branch Committee in 2005. She joined council as the honorary treasurer in 2012, and in2017 she became vice-president of SAIChE IChemE. Bronwynne Ferreira studied at Wits University where she also completed her Master’s degree. Bronwynne has been em- ployed by Anglo American for 20 years now and is currently thePrincipal –PMR (Precious MetalRefinery)support.Bronwynnehasbeen on the SAIChE council for over a decade and her primary role is evaluating the applications for CPD accreditation. Michelle Low is a lecturer of Chemical Engineering at Wits University. She joined SAIChE Gauteng as a student representa- tive in 2009. In 2011 she was co-opted onto SAIChECouncil where she contributes to the social media and magazine posts. Michelle is also involved with Engineers Without Borders-South Africa (EWB-SA). Member Group: Gauteng Danielle Bearman has a focus in precious metal recovery and manufacturing. Part of her branch responsibilities include running events. She encourages you to email the Gauteng Branch: saiche-gauteng@google- if you want to get involved. Zita Harber is a chemical engineer with a background in mining, academia, process design and business development. She cur- rentlyworks as an energy demand-modelling specialist at theDepartment of Energy. She is part of the public relations team.
Adri Uys
Zita Harber
Ashleen Marshall
Bronwynne Ferreira Lizelle van Dyk
Michelle Low
Some of the women at the heart of SAIChE IChemE.
SAIChE IChemE since July 2013 and as- sists Femmy in the office. The tasks include telephone calls, member profiles, issuing of certificates, letters and CPD applications for members. She is amother of two and has nine grandchildren. q
branch committee. She is a certified PMP with an MBA. She has extensive experience in commercial and construction aspects of project management, mineral processing, commercial, and marketing and business strategic analysis. Member Group: KwaZulu-Natal Nokuthula Danisa is a process engineer at Sapref and is currently vice-secretary for the KZN branch, and Bavelile Hlongwa is a production engineer at Sapref and is the treasurer for the KZN branch. Member Group: Western Cape Ashleen Marshall has been a lecturer in Chemical Engineering at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology and is also the Curriculum Officer. Her area of research is biosorption heavy metal removal and bio- diesel production from seaweed. She serves as treasurer on the WC branch. Adri Uys is a chemical engineering gradu- ate and part-time MSc student from the UniversityofCapeTown.SheworksforIrvin& Johnson Ltd and is the post-graduate student representative on the branch committee. She provides students opportunities in industry. SAIChE IChemE office managers Femmy leRoux has beenworking for SAIChE since 2002. She is in charge of the SAIChE IChemE office and is involved in everything in the office, fromCPD to finance. She arranges andminutes the EXCO, Council meetings and AGMs. Femmy is married and the mother of two boys, who love to go 4×4 trailing. Denyse Heyerdahl has been the Membership Administration person for
SAIChE Board members: President: C Sheridan Imm. Past President D van Vuuren Honorary Treasurer L van Dyk + Vice President: Honorary Secretary: EMObwaka Vice President: D Lokhat Council member: JJ Scholtz Council member: AB Hlatshwayo Council member: K Harding Council Member: M Low Council member: BK Ferreira Council Member: HMazema Council Member: MChetty Council Member: A de Bondt Council Member: MMabaso Council Member NN Coni Member (co-opted): MD Heydenrych Chair Gauteng: C Sandrock Chair KZN: D Lokhat Chair Western Cape: HMazema Contact details SAIChE PO Box 2125, North Riding, 2162 South Africa
Food industry evening: WorleyParsons Melrose Arch, August 30 So what does a Chemical Engineer know aboutbread,milkandcheese?Thisandother tasty subjects will be discussed at the next SAIChE Gauteng event. The event focuses on the application of chemical engineering
in the food industry and is being held in as- sociation with the South Africa Association for Food Science and Technology. Ticket costs: R60 formembers of SAIChE IChemE; R90 for non-members andR30 for students.
Tel: +27 11 704 5915 Fax: +27 86 672 9430 email: website:
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