MechChem Africa August 2019
Reef Fuel Injection Services has earned the coveted Bosch Service Centre of the Year award. The workshop grading for the award, conducted every two years, recognises service centres for their quality workmanship, service delivery and fair pricing, proving that value for money services are being delivered. RFI earns Bosch Service Centre of the Year
years through monitoring by Bosch, which also assesses service delivery and fair pric- ing, proving that Reef Fuel Injection Services offers value for money. “While many customers may assume a fuel injector is at fault when they experience issues with a vehicle, we go the extra mile to ensure all the problemswithin the systemare resolved,” saysWarrenHauser fromReef Fuel Injection Services. “It is heartening to get this recognition of our attention to detail from partners like Bosch.” The award considers the level of parts availability and on-time delivery, and encour- ages service centres to regularly send staff for technical training on the latest Bosch technology. The attendance at a minimum number of Bosch training courses is obliga- tory forworkshopassociates, withaminimum number of training sessions required to keep staff up to date with the latest technological developments. Reef Fuel Injection Services boasts one of the highest number of artisans attending the different Bosch fuel system repair and remanufacturing training courses over any given year. This commitment to upskilling its personnel ensures that its technical team is always at the top of its game. “Our quality service ensures genuine Bosch parts are always used as this is critical to not only the reputation of our facility but also the longevity of the repair itself,” says Hauser. “We take a zero-tolerance approach to the use of genuine parts aswell as the qual- ity of workmanship we render.” Reef Fuel Injection Services is an autho- rised service agent for all leadingmanufactur- ers of diesel fuel injection systems, including Bosch, Delphi, Denso and Stanadyne. q
B yearning the covetedBoschService Centre of theYear award, Reef Fuel Injection Services (RFI) has been recognised for its qualityworkman- ship and responsiveness to customers.
Beyond customer satisfaction, the award also acknowledges that authorised Bosch Service centres maintain the highest techni- cal competence, with world class workshop diagnostics and test equipment, including the know-how to optimise equipment use. Among the assess-
ments conducted by Bosch when evaluating a service centre is an audit on the service quality (SQA) as well as an audit on the qual- ity of the tooling (SQT) in place. Reef Fuel Injection Services in- vests significantly in maintaining its equip- ment and tooling and is among the most com- prehensively equipped diesel fuel injection service centres. The workshop grad- ing for the award is conducted every two
Warren Hauser from Reef Fuel Injection Services proudly holds the Bosch Service Centre of the Year trophy.
Talking condition monitoring South Africa-based condition monitoring specialists, WearCheck, are dedicated to remaining at the forefront of the reliabil- ity solutions sector and its staff regularly attend international conferences to gain insight into global trends.
Frequency Demodulation. WearCheck MD, Neil Robinson, says the company is proud of Swanepoel. “It is a great honour to be invited to present to high-calibre delegates on such highly tech- nical issues. These topics are Dennis’ areas of expertise and we are delighted that he is gaining international recognition for his in-depth reliability solutions knowledge.’ To add to the honour, Swanepoel is currently serving a year-long term as an editorial boardmember of the international organisation CBMConnect, which is run by the Mobius Institute. The board is made up of nine industry thought leaders from around theworld and is taskedwith guiding condition-based maintenance multimedia content for CBM professionals.
Dennis Swanepoel, WearCheck’s reli- ability solutions consultant, Mobius trainer and CAT IV graduate, recently returned from the latest CBM (Condition Based Monitoring) Conference in theMiddle East, where he conducted four different presen- tations for delegates fromall over the globe. The sessions run by Swanepoel included two one day presentations: Animated Introduction to Vibration Analysis and PracticalVibrationAnalysis,andtwo45min- ute presentations entitled: TimeWaveform Setup Fundamentals and Practical High
Dennis Swanepoel, WearCheck’s reliability solutions consultant, Mobius trainer and CAT IV graduate, presented four papers at the CBM conference in Abu Dhabi recently.
14 ¦ MechChem Africa • August 2019
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