MechChem Africa August 2019
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Fibertex develops curing blanket for concrete crete curing, without drying or shrinkage. The white pigmented blanket reflects sunlight and reduces tem- perature variations in the day and night, even in hot temperature conditions.” TheFibertex curingblan-
Aspecialist in themanufacture and supply of geosynthetic products, Fibertex SA, has developed a new curing blanket designed to optimise the curing of concrete and to protect the new structure. The Fibertex curing blanket, which is used to cover concrete surfaces when the material has set, has been designed to reduce the loss of internal and surface moisture and to control the temperature, foroptimumhydrationofthecementitious materials and to prevent discolouration. “It is important thatwhen concrete has beenpoured, it is protected against drying and from temperature variations, to pre- vent shrinkage and to ensure better abra- sion and scaling resistance - thus greater durability of the structure,” explains Clive Hitchcock, CEO, Fibertex SA. “The Fibertex curing blanket is manufactured from a high-quality absorbant synthetic fabric, coated with a thin impermeable polyethylene film. The fabric absorbs and distributes water evenly, resulting in op- timum and uniform curing conditions for concrete, with minimal colour variations. “The impermeable film of the blanket prevents loss of moisture needed for con-
ket is available in single-use and multiple-use quality options. Caremust be taken not to damage the sensitive concrete surface during ap- plication and for this reason,
Themain functions of this geosynthetic material–Formtex-aretoimprovethedu- rability of a concrete structure, extend its service life and reducemaintenance costs. Formtex also reduces the formation of blowholes and other blemishes on the concrete surface that normally require extensive deburring after the formwork is removed. The smooth, dense and strong concrete cover is dust-free and because there are no release agents, it is an ideal prepared base for further surface treat- ment or coatings.
theblanket ispackaged ina convenient roll for easy installation. The fabric must be placed with the fabric side facing the con- crete. Panels should overlap by 10 cmand must extend beyond the edges of the slab and be at least twice the thickness of the slab to prevent drying of concrete edges. Fibertex solutions for concrete surface enhancement also encompass Controlled Permeability Formwork (CPF) liners, suitable for concrete used in bridges and tunnels, marine structures, water treat- ment plants, drinking water tanks, as well as dams and sluices.
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