MechChem Africa August 2019
⎪ Products and industry news ⎪
Reducing the hassle of liquid spill clean-ups
BI appoints business development leader Bearings International (BI) has appointed Sharon Van Niekerk as business development leader (BDL)–cement,pulp&paperand chemicals. Van Niekerk’s remit is to assist BI in acquiring new customers, and selling additional products or services to existing ones within her defined segment. Reporting directly to Bearings International manager, Shenton Botes, Van Niekerk forms part of the larger BDL teamstructure, with a dedicated and focused approach to core market segments. These segments are Mining, Agriculture, Sugar, OEMs, Steel, FMCG, Automotive, Services and Infrastructure, andWholesale and Retail. With seven years’ industry experience, and holding a marketing certificate, Van Niekerk explains that BI’s unique approach is to target existing and potential customers at grassroots level.Thesalesforcewillthereforeservicethedaily customer requirements.
Manufacturer and minerals producer Pratley recently identified a need for a product that can be used in pollution con- trol. The result, a natural, mineral-based product called Gunge Spunge – is an easy and efficient clean-up powder for liquid spills in the mining and other industrial sectors. Themain application of Gunge Spunge is the absorption and clean-up of hydro- carbon and other liquid spills in factories, forecourts, garages, workshops and simi- lar areas. Thismakes the product ideal for users such as spill clean-up companies, service stations, disaster management services, hospitals, abattoirs, DIY enthu- siasts, general industry and even ordinary households. “Traditionally, sawdust and other flam- mable materials were used to clean up highly-combustible hydrocarbons. This was a disaster waiting to happen, not to mention the fact that they were largely ineffective. The result is that most mu- nicipalities now prohibit the use of com- bustible clean-up materials as stated in their municipal by-laws,” explains Pratley Training Manager Jacques Diener. The product offers an ideal alternative
in that it is highly effective, non-flamma- ble, eco-friendly, and completely natural. “Apart from oil, the super-absorbent natureofGungeSpungeallowsittoabsorb liquids asdiverseaswine, blood, sewerage, pet stains, paint, and braai fat,” he adds. It even has the ability to absorb odours as- sociated with those spills. Gunge Spunge is processed from a specific mineral that Pratley mines ex- clusively in KwaZulu-Natal. This 100% naturally occurringmineral is eco-friendly and completely non-toxic. Apart from its desiccatingproperties, whereby it absorbs moisture in confined areas prone todamp, it also has cationic properties, allowing it to absorb rather than mask odours. The latter means that it even absorbs smells The Gunge Spunge is ideal for factories, fore- courts, garages, workshops, and similar areas.
such as ammonia released from decaying organic matter.
August 2019 • MechChem Africa ¦ 37
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