MechChem Africa December 2019/January 2020
⎪ Pump systems, pipes, valves and seals ⎪
Industrial slurry valves for the harshest conditions
BMG’s extensive range of industrial slurry valves, which has been designed to cope efficiently in harsh conditions, includes robust butterfly and knife gate valves, as well as diaphragm and pinch valves.
“ B MG’s range of industrial slurry valves –which all meet stringent quality and safety specifications – are highly efficient for the control and isolation of abrasive slurries in many industries, including power generation, chemicalandpetrochemical,cementhandling, water treatment, mining, quarrying, pulp and paper,” says Willie Lamprecht, national product manager for Valves, BMG. “Failure of a valve and subsequent leakingof corrosive media can have devastating effects on the safety of personnel and equipment, lead- ing to premature system failure and costly downtime. It is critical that the correct valve is selected for every application, formaximum safety, ongoing operation of the plant, and minimumunscheduledmaintenance,”headds. Lamprecht says BMG’s highly skilled team has a thorough understanding of the processes where valves are installed and supports every componentwithadependable solutions service, to ensure optimum safety, efficiency and the extended service life of each system. “The selection of the correct industrial slurry valve is based on factors that include the size and shape of particles, pres- sure, temperatures and chemical content,” he explains. Polyurethane-lined knife gate valves are available in standard sizes between DN 50 and DN 600, with manual, pneumatic and electric actuation. These knife gate valves have a wafer pattern and are manufactured fromcast andductile iron, with stainless steel discs. They canwithstandoperating tempera- tures of between -20 and +80 ˚C as standard, with higher temperatures on request. Polyurethane lined abrasion-resistant butterfly valves – in a wafer pattern or with a lugged design – are used for on-off and flow control of abrasive slurries. Butterfly valves are available from BMG in standard sizes between DN 50 and DN 400. Locally-manufactured KLEP BMG dia- phragmvalves –betweenDN50 andDN350, with manual or pneumatic actuation – are designed for abrasive slurry applications. These flanged diaphragm valves have a body pressure of PN 10 and can withstand tem- peratures between -10 and +80 °C. Long-lasting rubber and jumbo rubber lin-
ings are suited for full-bore diaphragmvalves with a high flow capacity and an efficient sealing capability, which shuts off any flow and prevents leakage. Full bore diaphragm valves also have a lowpressure drop because there is almost nothing obstructing the flow of the fluid when the valve is fully opened. This creates little resistance to flow, which makes these valves suitable for fluids with abrasive particles. Also in the range, are unlined diaphragm valves, whichare suitable forwater treatment and general industrial applications. FPV pinch valves – featuring a design where the sleeve is pinched to closemechani- callybymeansofhand-wheelorautomatically via an actuator – are ideal for the control and isolation of abrasive slurries. Open frame pinch valves are also available fromBMGwith a short and long frame design insizesbetweenDN50andDN600. Thebody is made from mild steel, but stainless steel is also available for specific applications. These valves, with soft rubber sleeves, havemanual, hydraulic and pneumatic actuation. BMG’s extensive range of components for fluid technology systems and general industrial applications encompasses valves,
Polyurethane-lined abrasion-resistant butterfly valves can be used for on-off and flow control of abrasive slurries. hydraulic hoses and fittings, accumulators, cylinders, heat exchangers, pneumatics, hy- draulicmotors andhydraulicplumbing, aswell as pumps and reservoir accessories. The company also offers a total process andlubricationmanagementsolution,tomeet exact market requirements. q
A locally manufactured KLEP BMG diaphragm valve discharging an abrasive slurry. BMG industrial slurry valves are designed to cope efficiently in harsh conditions and include butterfly, knife gate, diaphragm and pinch valves.
December 2019-January 2020 • MechChem Africa ¦ 11
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