MechChem Africa February 2018
Bureau Veritas (BV), the global leader in testing, inspection and certification, has unveiled several transformative and innovative professional solutions and services. New testing, inspection and certification services from BV
Marc Roussel, Senior VP – Africa Region and president of Government Services and International Trade (GSIT) for Bureau Veritas.
W ithastrongbrandbuiltupover 190 years, Bureau Veritas operates across six global businesses; Marine & Off- shore, Agri Food & Commodities, Consumer Products, Building& Infrastructure, Certifica- tion & Industry. New and improved service offerings were announced from various divisions withinBureauVeritas, ensuring the company delivers the highest levels of service to its customers. Oil &Petrochemicals services, ledby Erick Naidoo in Southern Africa, announced a re- cent change in the internationally renowned online cloud-based reporting platform, Lube Oil Analysis Management System (LOAMS). Based on feedback from clients dispersed across the globe, the system has been opti- mised to improve maintenance productivity, while reducing product waste and reducing pressure on the environment. The Metals & Minerals activity, led by Mr Gavin Hefer in Southern Africa, announced a new test offering, Transportable Moisture Limits (TML), which is fast becoming a global requirement. TML refers to the maximum moisture content permissible for the cargo of anyshipthatisconsideredsafefortransporta- tion. If the cargo can liquefy, if the cargomelts for example, the centreof gravity and stability of the ship can be affected causing safety and environmental concerns. Bureau Veritas previously offered the
service outside of South Africa, and recently obtained approval from the Global Technical Governance regulator to conduct the tests lo- cally at theRichards Bay laboratory across all three methods: Flow Table, Penetration Test and the Proctor Fragerberg Test. Turnaround times are now much quicker and rates are more competitive in the local market. The Agri-Food offering, led by Joanne Barton in Southern Africa, announced the unveiling of a highly innovative and high-tech automated laboratory in Cape Town, which extends Bureau Veritas’ network and foot- print inAfrica. Newequipment introduced for testing of pesticide chemicals ensures latest legislation in South Africa can be reported morequicklywithahighaccuracy result. Food safety remains a key priority, with the labora- tory geared for the quick responses required to food contaminants such as Listeria , where identification and quarantine of products needs to be managed quickly and effectively. The Industry service, led by Eric van der Linde in Southern Africa, announced that Bureau Veritas has launched various measures to better manage asset integrity management data on behalf of clients. Using advanced analytics, data can be interrogated and assimilated more effectively, assisting engineers when making decisions regard- ing asset integrity and asset optimisation, increasing efficiency, lowering operational costs and increasing profits. The Certification arm, locally led by Neda
Taghadosi, announced the revision of vari- ous certifications: the Quality Management system ISO 9001, the Environmental Management system ISO 14001 and the Health and Safety Management system ISO 45001. Language is simpler and require- ments are less prescriptive, ensuring they can easily be integrated into clients’ current management systems due to the High Level Structure nature of the system. Risk Management is also improved, en- suring customer satisfaction and improved environmental impact management. Clients are poised to benefit from sets of technical documents providing guidance on the stan- dards and its requisites through the website Training cours- es, online self-assessment tools and transition packs have been designed tomake the transi- tion smooth, quick and efficient. CEO of Zambian operations, Alex Hui, announced the launch of the instrument- based Vehicle Inspection Service, bringing improved reliability and safety to load vet- ting. Benefiting Fleet Management clients requiring hazard control, this improvement will ensure cost- and time-saving efforts. Furthermore, Bureau Veritas is encourag- ing clients to invest in the Verification of Conformity asset, which is useful for au- thorities to protect citizens from counterfeit imports. Thedivisionhas alsohas begunusing drones for precision farming, cropmonitoring and inventory, fertiliser analysis, input control of seed soil and water analysis. Spearheaded by Grace Mabasa, the Government Services & International Trade divisionpresentedvariousreformedsolutions for government clients. Inspection testing is now done electronically and in real-time, improving thequalityof reports, deliveryperi- ods, productivity andefficiency. The introduc- tion of E-cert electronic certificates ensures enhanced security features for clients. “Bureau Veritas is committed to the African Continent and continues to show confidence in the regions,” saidMarc Roussel, senior VP for the Africa Region. “It is our vi- sion for SouthernAfrica to constantly exceed our client expectations through world class professionalism from a diverse and highly motivated team,” he added. q
Bureau Veritas in Zambia has begun using drones for precision farming, crop monitoring and inventory, fertiliser analysis, input control of seed soil and water analysis.
14 ¦ MechChem Africa • February 2018
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