MechChem Africa February 2018
⎪ Materials handling, conveying, lifting and logistics ⎪
Scalability of HRC technology confirmed The scalability of Metso’s HRC TM high-pres- sure grinding technology has been proven in tests at a customer pilot plant in Chile. The pilot confirmed that the HRC 800 high-pressure grinding roll fulfils the expect- edcapacityrequirementsfortheapplication, and that the scale factor defined by Metso in the laboratory environment proved to be correct, independent of the ore type. “We were able to verify our hypothesis andmeetthecustomers’expectations100%. We look forward to continuing with the inquiries received concerning this Metso innovation,” saysRaúlNoriega, capital equip- ment sales manager at Metso in Chile. HRC technology is a higher-performance alternative to conventional high-pressure grinding rolls. Based on the pilot tests, it enables savings on operational expenses of ten to 20%, depending on the ore type. The pilot plant where the technologywas tested processes copper and gold at a capacity of 50 t/h, allowingMetso to verify the required equipment for the customer’s future needs. Following this success, similar projects will becomeoperational in thenear future. q
the necessary skills and expertise to develop complete water treatment plants for sugar mills or add value to existing treatment fa- cilities by providing for a polishing unit, for example, to assist mills in making the water suitable for re-use.” The Industrial Solutions business area of thyssenkrupp is a leading partner for the engineering, construction and service of industrial plants and systems. Its Centre-of- Excellence for sugar technology lies inPimpri, Pune in India. Thyssenkrupp Industries India (tkII) has revolutionised the sugar industry over the past six decadeswith over 133 sugar plants built globally. The company’s advanced technology fo- cuses on reliability, productivity and safety of products and equipment for each step in the sugar producing process: cane handling (unloaders, feeder tables), cane preparation (choppers, levellers, fiberisors, shredders), cane milling (3/2-roller mills), process equip- ment (falling film evaporators/continuous vacuum pans, centrifugal machines), power generation plant (water cooled condensers, cooling towers), steam generation plant (boilers) and effluent treatment plant (sumps, screens). Thyssenkrupp equipment for the sugar industry, including boilers, is manufactured by thyssenkrupp in India. q
and re-used for non-critical applications on the plant. “It is imperative that sugar produc- ers start treating wastewater to prevent harming the environment. Additionally, treated water can be re-used, saving on the water bill, as well as paying heed to our country’s vulnerable water supply. We have
February 2018 • MechChem Africa ¦ 19
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