MechChem Africa February 2018
Plant maintenance, lubrication and filtration 8 IIoT and the changing face of asset management MechChemAfrica talks to Stefan Swanepoel of Pragma about how the IIoT is blurring the lines between asset management, condition-based maintenance and operational performance. 11 Gearless mill drives assembled for Combre Panamá 12 Atlas Copco CTS’ rejuvenated customer-first service offering 14 New testing, inspection and certification services from BV 15 Anglo wins sustainability award for process metering Materials handling, Conveying, lifting and logistics 16 Local belt clip production extended Following the R4-million refurbishment of Mato Product’s clip-manufacturing machine, MechChem Africa talks to the company’s general manager, Benjamin Sibanda, about conveyor belt lacing and belt cleaning solutions. Corrosion control and coatings 24 Passivity key to keeping stainless stainless Michel Basson, manager of sassda’s Western Cape branch, talks about the vital role of the chrome-rich passive layer on stainless steel and how inadvertently blocking the layer’s access to oxygen can ruin its corrosion resistance. Heating, cooling, ventilation and air conditioning 26 Disadvantages of natural refrigerants diminishing Stephan Sicars from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, talks about the market situation for plants using natural refrigerants in emerging and developing countries. 29 Sub-freezing air dryer delivers Class 3 air Water and wastewater processing 30 Wastewater reclamation and the Western Cape crisis MechChemAfrica talks to Xylem’s water reclamation specialist, Lucinda Jooste, who argues that the current situation offers an opportunity to put in place lasting solutions to overcome increasing water scarcity. 32 Desalination, brackish water and bio-saline agriculture 33 A race to spare every drop of water 34 Helping mines find the real source of nitrates in water Innovative engineering 38 Advanced materials and LSF construction MechChemAfrica columnist, Gary i Crawford, who is currently building a new property using only light steel frame construc- tion principles and products, presents some of the advanced materials that make this possible. REGULARS 2 Comment: We have to stop waiting for rain 4 Cover story: The world’s first self-calibrating thermometer Endress+Hauser is launching the iTHERM TrustSens TM371 compact thermometer for food & beverage and life sciences industries. 6 SAIChE News: Mike Hancock presents at UCT 36 Product and industry news 40 Back page: Volvo’s first climate-neutral manufacturing site 18 Closing the loop in Africa’s sugar industry 20 The true cost of sub-standard transfer points 23 Solutions for the dust-free discharge from screw conveyors
Published monthly by Crown Publications cc Cnr Theunis and Sovereign Streets Bedford Gardens 2007 PO Box 140, Bedfordview, 2008 Tel: +27 11 622 4770 e-mail: Editors: Peter Middleton e-mail: Glynnis Koch e-mail: Advertising: Brenda Karathanasis e-mail: Design: Darryl James Publisher: Karen Grant Deputy publisher: Wilhelm du Plessis Circulation: Karen Smith The views expressed in this journal are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editors. P U B L I C A T I O N S CR O WN P U B L I C A T I O N S CR O WN 2015/02/10 01:17:09PM
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Front cover: Endress+Hauser Contact: Benjamin Mlangeni Temperature System Components & Registration +27 11 262 8000
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