MechChem Africa January 2017
⎪ Computer-aided engineering ⎪
Handheld 3D point-cloud scanner for easy plant modification
MechChem Africa talks to Werner Theron of Chempute about the new DPI-8 handheld 3D point-cloud scanner from DotProduct, which is ideal for use in conjunction with Intergraph’s CADWorx Fieldpipe and CADWorx Structure. with a gaming specification, these scanners give operators the assurance that, when they leave a site the data collected is accurate and usable,” he says. Scanning the room using the system, he shows howobjects within the scanner’s ideal operating range (0.6 to3.3m) reflect as green points on the tablet’s display. “Points that are a little difficult to collect, scan as yellow points, while if the scanner loses continuity – due to range discontinuity or a scanning speed that is too fast – it will immediately stop collecting data. On a restart, it is it then usuallypossible toappend thenewscan to the data already successfully collected, without the need for additional targets or controls,” Theron explains. From a business perspective, he says that using the system makes a lot of sense for several reasons. First, Intergraph CADWorx fieldPIPE and CADWorx Structure are both AutoCAD-based, somost usersdonot have to learn new software to access this capability.
T he newDPI-8 handheld 3D scanner isdesigned for capturingpoint-cloud data for use by plant design profes- sionals involved in plant upgrades, refurbishments or modifications. Along with the associated Phi.3d 3D imaging app, the scannercaptures3Dspecialdataviaan8-inch Android-based tablet, enabling advanced laser scanning and photogrammetry to be simplified, augmented or even replaced with this mobile DotProduct solution. “The point-cloud data collected onsite can be imported into a CAD system such as CADWorx Fieldpipe or CADWorx Structure for quick and maintenance-based redesign and replacement of pipework or structural members or for adding tie-ins and extensions to existing systems,” says Theron. He demonstrates howa piping point cloud canbe easily imported intoprogrammes such as CADWorks fieldPIPE, fromwhich replace- ment piping can be specified inminutes using the embedded automaticmodelling features. “Directly from the imported point cloud, fieldPIPE can determine the pipe size and centreline. Once connection notes and op- tions are selected, a 3D-CADmodel of a new pipe connection is automatically created and inserted. Should an additional splice, valve or secondary piping system be required, easily accessible tools enable these to be added simply and quickly,” he adds. Referring to the newrelease of CADWorx Structure, he says that, while the automatic tools for specifying structural detail from point-cloud information is still under devel- opment, measurement and tracing options also enable structural steel detailing to be simplified to better match operations plants needing upgrades. “The DPI-8 3D scanning system is an af- fordable professional system. Many of the lower cost systems donot have live feedback. By incorporating anAndroid tablet, however,
The DPI-8 3D is an Android tablet-based affordable professional system that offers live feedback with respect to scanning accuracy and data quality. Also, though, existing piping or structures are never the same as the design drawings – long pipes always sag, for example. Using a systemsuchastheDPI-8makesreplacements and tie-ins much more accurate in reality, much easier to install and with significantly less onsite rework. “The scanners are ideal for architectural records, failure analysis investigations, fo- rensic crime scene or accident records and any application where photography and measurements need to come together for use or analysis at a future date,” Theron tells MechChem Africa . q
Easy and quick 3D steel structure design tools Intergraph ® Process, Power & Marine (PP&M) recently announced the release of Intergraph CADWorx ® Structure 2017, an AutoCAD ® -based fit-for-purpose tool. CADWorx Structure 2017 is used for creating concrete- and steel-structure designs and is ideal for engineers who model plant buildings, pipe racks, offshore topsides and industrial structures that are part of theprocess, power, andmanufactur- ing plant world. overrun with options and add-ons, which a structural designer may never use, CADWorx Structure has been purpose- built to deliver structural designs with virtually no technical and administrative overheads. “WeareveryhappytoincludeCADWorx Structure into the Plant Design Suite, and we are certain it fills industry’s need for a purpose-built, structural design solution,” says Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions president, RickAllen. “CADWorx delivers effective and easy-to-use solu- tions to customer’s problems and we will continue toexpand intoother 3Dmodelling markets in the coming years,” he adds. This solution has been developed with end users in mind at every decision point and includes the targeted tools needed to create revenue-driven plant structure models very easily and quickly. Just as CADWorx Plant Professional provides an easy-to-use solution for piping designers, CADWorxStructure is focusedonexcelling in structural modelling and design. While other structural software packages are Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions’ offerings allow design and engineering personnel to share relevant information seamlessly, thereby maintain- ing accuracy and improving efficiency. q
January 2017 • MechChem Africa ¦ 25
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