MechChem Africa January 2018
⎪ Automation, process control and instrumentation ⎪
solutions in packaging
Above: “While the Leuze sensor range is broad enough to offer units of the right type and size for virtually any operation in the line, we have found that in some instances we have sourced alternative sensor solutions for the customer,” says Bryant. Left: Leuze Optical Distance Sensors enable quick and accurate measurement of distances. Right: The Leuze cylindrical sensor, available from Countapulse Controls, offers a higher mechanical strength than the standard sensors.
The cylindrical sensors are especially popular for inte- gration into constricted production facilities as well as into assemblies in transport systems or othermachinery. Inmany production processes and internal transport systems, these optical sensors are used for the detection of objects and thereby control processes or partial steps. The highly visible light spot facilitates alignment and two antivalent outputs expand the application options. q
adjustable retro-reflective photoelectric sensormodel with a polarisation filter is also available for particularly tricky applications. With ranges of up to 15 m (throughbeam photoelectric sensors), six metres (retro-reflective photoelectric sensors) andonemetre (light scanners), thenewLeuze cylindrical sen- sors are ideally suited to a variety of applications for object detection in materials handling and packaging technology.
Customised applications solutions In its more than 60 years in business, Countapulse Controls has created a sus- tainable business model by focusing on anticipatingandexceedingmarketdemands. The resultant range of high quality sensing andmonitoring devices has often been first to market.
ence and expertise resident in its technical staff. OEM training provides the supplier’s team with specialised knowledge and skills pertaining to specific instrumentation. By focusing on tried and tested matching of products to applications, suppliers are able to ensure best fit in all instances.” Bryant says the company’s hotline is one way of investing its experience and capabili- ties back into the industry. “This product and applications knowledge is delivered as a value-added benefit to our customers.” Bryant maintains that when one consid- ers the customer’s application, it is impor- tant to understand that selecting sensors is not as simple as matching a model number toa requirement. “Oneneeds tocarefullyas- sess theoperatingenvironment. Parameters that should be considered include the range of the sensor, the speed of the automatic process, the background conditions and type of product, auxiliary equipment and the circuits within the process.” q
at bargain basement prices. “While the low prices might be an attraction, the lack of technical pre- and after-sales advice is a liability. Hi-tech items, by their very nature, require instruction for their maximised performance. It is unlikely that this level of guidance and support is available in an online shopping forum,” Bryant cautions. In the complex process andmanufactur- ingenvironments, utilising sensing,monitor- ing and measuring instruments that have not undergone due diligence and that do not have a great deal of reputational weight is highly risky. The failure of such products causes major production line issues and the safety around such products cannot be guaranteed. Bryant says that the wise alternative to online shopping is one-on-one technical in- struction and support. “A reputable supplier will leverage the years of hands-on experi-
Since introducing Hengstler mechanical counters to South Africa in the 1950s, the company has witnessed superb advances in sensing and monitoring technology. Bryant emphasises that all this technology isworth nothing if the technical support is not avail- able. “The sharingof applications knowledge plays a crucial role in increasingproductivity and reducing downtime, especially as many companies no longer have internal technical support divisions.” An aggravating factor for customers is the emergence of a plethora of online shops offering sensing andmonitoring technology
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