MechChem Africa January-February 2022
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As mining technology advances, the demand grows for skilled and productive operators of mechanised machinery. This calls for training that is multi-layered, preparing operators not just technically but also with an understanding of the cost impacts of their behaviour. Tony Pretorius, education, training and development executive at Murray & Roberts Cementation explains. Mechanised machinery training enters virtual age V irtual real ity, simulation and mock-ups are among the range of learning platforms that theMurray & Roberts Cementation Training
Academy (MRTA) is using to raise the bar in training operators ofmechanised equipment. The impactof theseenhancedtrainingtech- niques is not just improved safety and produc- tivity in mining operations, but also a business costawareness, saysTonyPretorius, education, training and development (ETD) executive at Murray &Roberts Cementation. “Our unique approach to training mecha- nised operators takes the process well beyond regulated requirements,” says Pretorius. After covering the psycho-motor skills, induction, legal and technical skills, and the relevant stan - dards andprocedures of themine,MRTA takes an innovative approach to the more practical elements of the training. For instance, learners are placed in a virtual environment to assess the conditionof equipment, followedbyvideos that show how this equipment operates in the workplace and how it is to be inspected. “They then progress to the use of simula- tors, where we can monitor three main areas of proficiency: health and safety; machine ap - preciation; and productivity enhancement,” he says. “The academy’s selection of simulators for this purpose includes the Sandvik DD321 drill rig, theSandvikDD311bolter, theSandvik 514 load-haul dumper and the Sandvik 517 dump truck.” Pretorius notes that a compact, mobile and immersive virtual reality drill rig simulator has also been introduced, allowing learners to experience a range of tasks. These include accurate indexing according to surveyed posi-
At MRTA, learners are placed in a virtual environment to assess the condition of equipment, followed by videos that show how this equipment operates in the workplace and how it is to be inspected.
tions, different faceconditions andvariousdrill andblast patterns. It also simulates emergency triggers, and highlights where the operator’s drilling behaviour is sub-standard, showing the consequences of this for boom and drilling consumables. “Operators can also receive feedback simulations,wherethecostofconsumablesand operational disruptions are explained,” he says. Learners can then be introduced to the mock-upenvironmentatMRTA,wheretheycan have the real experience of machine operation in a confined space. Here, they are required to
demonstrate applied capability in emergency preparedness, machine inspections and brake tests aswell asmachine set-up and operations. “What is important for all operators to understand is how their behaviour impacts on mine costs and productivity,” says Pretorius. “This isoneof thekeyareaswhereour interven - tions distinguish us in the training space.” Onlyafter this intensivepreparationarethe learners placed in a workplace where they can progress to the required applied competency levels in a safemanner, he concludes.
Left: Virtual reality, simulation and mock-ups are among the range of learning platforms used by the Murray & Roberts Training Academy. Right: Learners get to experience a range of tasks, including accurate indexing according to surveyed positions, different face conditions and various drill and blast patterns.
40 ¦ MechChem Africa • January-February 2022
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