MechChem Africa January-February 2023
⎪ Maintenance and asset management ⎪
Metso Metrics offering extended to stationary crushers Metso Outotec Metrics has extended its comprehensive digital solution to cover stationary crushers and enable new types of services to help customers reach their production targets. M etso Outotec is introducing yet another innovative digital offering expansion to cover stationary crushers and NW
Rapid equipment. The expanded Metrics remote monitoring solution offers full con nectivity to support aggregate contractors and quarries with their critical crushing and screening process. Metrics helps customers to optimise their process, as they can easily see how changes implemented at their site have impacted their operations. For example, continuous, 24/7 real-time data helps customers and service teams to boost equipment availability and reduce unplanned downtime. “All our aggregates customers can now benefit from our remote monitoring solu tion. Accessing all the powerful data through a single Metrics portal is our guiding prin ciple when it comes to the development of our offering. Metso Outotec Metrics is the cornerstone of our digital offering, provid ing customers with optimised uptime and performance throughour aggregates services and solutions. “We want to support our customers in reaching the full potential of their produc tion plants by switching to a higher gear when it comes to performance. ‘Commit to understanding’ is thecrucial first step towards achieving an optimised plant, and we want to be there every step of the way,” says Heikki Laxell, Director, Value Selling Development at Metso Outotec. MetsoOutotecMetrics enables newtypes of Life Cycle Services (LCS) contracts by integrating digital offerings to continuously improve theefficiencyof customer processes. The new remote monitoring solution brings more uptime, capacity and performance, and this supports improvedoperational efficiency and brings multiple sustainability benefits. Being more efficient and having a higher utilisation rate enhances sustainability. In ad dition, thecustomerbenefits throughreduced machine idling and energy consumption as well as improved wear performance, which leads to less waste. “By combining Metrics with our global service footprint, Metso Outotec and its distributor partners can support customers in making data-driven decisions that impact their operations,” he adds.
Metrics helps customers to optimise their process and see how changes have impacted operations. Continuous, 24/7 real-time data helps customers and service teams to boost equipment availability and reduce unplanned downtime.
Metrics is built-in to new equipment and legacy equipment can, inmost cases be mod ernised to integrate digital connectivity using a Retrofit Kit. In the first phase, the Retrofit Kit is available for a wide range of track and wheel-mounted units, crushers and screens. Metso Outotec Metrics for stationary crushers is Metso Outotec’s third launch for the aggregates industry this year. The previ ous launches include an upgraded version of Metrics for Lokotrack mobile crushers and screens andMetrics for stationary screening equipment. The Metrics solution is part of Metso Outotec’s Planet Positive portfolio. More information about the Metso Outotec’s Metrics offering is available on the company’s website.
Metso Outotec Metrics offers unique ben efits, including: • 24/7 online monitoring capabilities, which offer improved safety, increased uptime and throughput, and reduced unplanned maintenance. Operators, controllers and service pro fessionals can see a real-time analysis of performance. The user interface can be tailored to address different customer needs. New features and functions can also be up dated remotely. An easy-to-read dashboard with OEM insights makes it possible to quickly de tect potential issues and take corrective actions proactively. Metrics include CO 2 tracking for sustain ability benefits frommobile Lokotracks. • • • •
January-February 2023 • MechChem Africa ¦ 11
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