MechChem Africa January-February 2023
⎪ PowerGen,PetroChem and Sustainable energy management ⎪
Automation software and advanced digital technologies to maximise performance at the world’s third-largest crude tall oil biorefinery, accelerating the transition to cleaner fuels. Emerson and Neste to optimise Fintoil biorefinery
agement for the project, Neste Engineering Solutionswill alsobe responsible for delivering theentireapplicationsoftwareforthenewCTO biorefinery. Fintoil, together with Neste Engineering Solutions, will implement Emerson’s DeltaV™ distributed control system, DeltaV safety in strumented system, and DeltaV Live operator interface software to enable efficient produc tion, greater visibility of operational perfor mance and process, and emergency shutdown for improved plant andworker safety. Advanced measurement technologies that have minimal maintenance requirements and diagnostics made available through Emerson’s assetmanagementsoftwarewillenhanceequip ment reliability and performance, contributing togreaterplantavailabilityandthroughput, and lower cost of ownership. Constructionof thefacility isexpectedtobe completed soon. The expected annual capac ity of 200 000 tons will create a 400 000-ton reduction in carbondioxide emissions, which is roughly 1%of Finland’s total emissions.
To reduceproject riskandensure scheduleand budget are maintained, Emerson will apply its Project Certainty methodology, which digital ises project execution and uses practices such asremotetestingofequipment.Andtoenhance plant security performance, Emerson consul tancyserviceswilladviseontheimplementation of cybersecurity best practices. “Emerson expertise and technologies are playing a significant role in helping companies achieve their ambitious decarbonisation and environmental sustainability goals, including theacceleratedtransitiontocleaner fuels,” said MarkBulanda,executivepresidentofEmerson’s Automation Solutions business. “Our project expertise and latest advanced digital solutions are not only helping Fintoil develop the pro duction capacity of a sustainable fuel, but also optimising plant efficiency to lower its overall environmental impact. We are very pleased to haveNesteEngineeringSolutionsasapartner in thisprojectbecauseof itsextensiveexperience in the CTObusiness.” In addition to providing NEXPINUS, engi neering procurement and construction man
F intoil, togetherwithNesteEngineer ingSolutions, has selectedEmerson’s automation software and technolo gies tomaximise theoperational per formance of its biorefinery being constructed in the port of Hamina-Kotka, Finland. The plant will be the third-largest crude tall oil (CTO) biorefinery in the world and will produce advanced biofuel and biochemical feedstocks that help lower emissions and reduce reliance on fossil-based fuels. Theplantwill refineCTO,aby-productofthe woodpulpingprocess, toproduceasustainable feedstockforrenewablesecond-generationdie sel, as well as rosin, sterol pitch and turpentine for the chemicals, foodstuffs and pharmaceuti cals industries. These CTO derivatives have a carbon footprint up to 90% smaller than their fossil-based equivalents. “This state-of-the-art facility, which uti lisesNesteEngineeringSolutions’NEXPINUS™ technology, uses 40% less energy than a conventional tall oil refinery, and is the perfect exampleofefficientandsustainableproduction that supports the circular economy,” explained Fintoil CEO, Jukka Ravaska. “Working with Neste Engineering Solutions and Emerson to implement the latest digital automation tech nologies will enable us to operate the plant safely and efficiently, minimise operating costs anddeliver large-scaleproductionofbiofueland biochemicals as a viable alternative to fossil based products.” The Fintoil biorefinery under construction, which will be optimised for efficient and sustainable operations by Emerson and Neste.
The state-of-the-art Fintoil facility utilises Neste Engineering Solutions’ NEXPINUS™ technology, which uses 40% less energy than a conventional tall oil refinery.
January-February 2023 • MechChem Africa ¦ 27
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