MechChem Africa January-February 2023
⎪ Products and industry news ⎪
A dependable partnership for world-class service
Motion plastics and cable manufacturer, igus, has introduced its new readycable hybrid cables suitable for drive technol ogy from Siemens and SEW-EURODRIVE. igus readycable hybrid cables make saving installation space and weight easy with just one cable for power and data. New to the range are ready-to-connect cables sui table for SEW-EURODRIVE systems with MOVILINK DDI and Siemens SINAMICS S210 with OCC. In addition “BMG is currently the only Danfoss DrivePro ® service partner in South Africa and sub-Saharan Africa and was one of the first 30 companies to achieve this level of recognition globally,” explains David Dyce, Business Unit Manager: Electronics, BMG. “As an official Danfoss service partner, BMG offers customers specialised servic es that go beyond simple troubleshooting, maintenance, repairs, and replacements. With a thorough understanding of the characteristics, needs and requirements of every customer’s ac drive applications, we ensure enhanced reliability, efficiency and profitability at a plant, minimising the operational costs of drive solutions in di verse industries. “Through the DrivePro ® programme, our customers have the as In 2019, Danfoss Drives appointed BMG as its first authorised Danfoss DrivePro ® service partner in Africa and has since renewed this official certification every year. Danfoss Dr ives partners wi th a network of global sales and service associ ates that meet stringent requirements to be able to offer customised support and technical assistance to users of Danfoss VLT ® and VACON ® frequency converters. Danfoss DrivePro ® services , which cover the ent i re l i fecycle of Danfoss and VACON ® ac drives, are designed to improve productivity and performance, minimising downtime and giving peace of mind to every user.
to PUR, the latter is also available with an outer jacket made of cost-effective PVC. Macros for the EPLAN Electric P8 sof tware speed up cable planning by around 50%. Reducing the complexity of automa tion solutions while saving money, time and installation space is a declared goal of engineers all over the world. This ap pl ies to cable planning as wel l . Hybrid technology has become one of the major trends in recent years. While servo drive systems used to require several cables to transmit energy and data, hybrid cables simply combine the cores. "Hybrid technology is a pioneering development that we, as a cable special ist, are one hundred percent convinced is the way to go," says Ian Hewat, managing director of igus South Africa. “We are therefore continuously expanding our port fol io of ready-to-connect hybr id cables from the readycable series in order to offer our customers a fast, reliable, surance that we meet the high standards demanded by Danfoss,” he says. DrivePro ® support services include: • Extended Warranty, which lengthens the standard warranty provided by up to six years. DrivePro ® Retrofit service, which in volves the professional management of the end of product lifecycle when replacing ac drives. The DrivePro ® Spares facility to mi nimise downtime by ensuring users always have the correct spare parts available in case of a breakdown. DrivePro ® Exchange: In the event of an ac drive needing urgent repair, a replacement drive will be ready on site to minimise production delay. DrivePro ® Preventive Maintenance: a customi sed ma intenance pl an , designed to suit requirements and budgets, and to ensure operational efficiency and the extended service life of ac drives. DrivePro ® Site Assessment is a tai lored service solution that plans for maintenance, retrofits and future upgrades. A maintenance strategy is presented to the customer after a site-wide survey and risk assessment of ac drives at the plant. DrivePro ® Life Cycle Services: a tai lor-made set of products designed to meet specific requirements through • • • • • •
cost-effective solution for continuous use in energy chains." To save even more project planning time, igus also provides direct links to the macros for the EPLAN Electric P8 planning software on its website. This allows cables to be dragged and dropped into the digital cable plan as building blocks, reducing cable planning time by up to 50%. Like all cables in the readycable series, the new hybrid cables have strong outer jackets, strain-relieved cores, movement opt imi sed s t randed wi res , s t randed structures with short pitch lengths and gusset-filling extruded inner jackets. "This design and these high-qual ity materials make our new hybrid cables fail safe in continuous use in energy chains, even in compact applications," says Hewat. Mater ials wi th good electromagnet ic compatibility prevent the energy and data transmission cores from having a negative influence on each other and all models have undergone several million test cycles in the igus test laboratory. “Many companies require certification before any service can be conducted on site and with our team’s extensive experi ence and specialised training, we are well positioned to meet these requirements. BMG also offers specialised training to customers and shares expert knowledge about advanced Danfoss technology that enhances plant productivity,” he says. BMG supplies and supports more than 70 000 customers in nine countries, offer ing the broadest range of industrial engi neered products and services in Africa. the different stages of an ac drive’s lifecycle. “BMG’ s dedi cated Danfoss VLT ® and Vacon ® product specialists are backed by our technical resources team, which opti mises predictive maintenance for applica tion field services by addressing mobile breakdowns and onsite maintenance for Danfoss AC drives,” Dyce continues. Tshepo Mashala working on Danfoss & VACON VFD. BMG is the authorised and certified Danfoss DrivePro ® service partner.
Hybrid cables save installation space
igus harnessed and ready-to-connect hybrid cables are now suitable for SEW-EURODRIVE systems with MOVILINK DDI and Siemens SINAMICS S210 with OCC.
38 ¦ MechChem Africa • January-February 2023
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