MechChem Africa June 2017
KSB Pumps and Valves’ latest generation of its standardised Etanorm water pump series continues to top the sales charts in South Africa, as well as the rest of the world. New generation Etanorm is a winner
I n Africa, KSB’s Etanorm it has become a trusted name in the agricultural, mu- nicipal and other industries where its versatility, efficiency and reliability have made it one of the most popular clear-water pump types in use today. Produced non-stop since 1936, the Etanorm has sold more than 1,5-million units, which have proven themselves over more than eight decades. In its latest form the range comprises 43pump sizes, which can be driven by either 2-pole or 4-pole motors. The selection chart has also been extended with additional pump sizes, so that sizes can be selected that are the closest to the best efficiency point. Efficient design In intensive work with CFD (computational fluid dynamics) for flow simulation, KSB’s de- velopment engineers have also optimised the hydraulic contours, making itmoreefficient in order to easily meet tough global efficiency requirements, including the benchmark EU requirements(ErP)ofCommissionRegulation 547/2012/EC for water pumps.
According to Dave Jones, regional sales manager for KSB Pumps and Valves, the en- gineers placed a particular focus obtaining an excellent suction and a lowNPSH value, thus minimising the riskof cavitationandobtaining a smooth and stable pump operation even in difficult operating conditions. Thismeans the pumps run reliablyandcontribute toagreater availability of the overall system. He adds that thematerial range comprises cast iron, bronze and nodular cast iron aswell as stainless steel. The diversity of materials and a large choice of seal variants have ex- tended the suitability of the new type series to applications beyond those of water. The spaceallocatedtothemechanicalsealhasalso been enlarged to enhance venting to make allowance for this. The new spacious design also facilitates dismantling and reassembly of the mechanical seals. Locally manufactured “In line with KSB’s common practice for in- dustrial pumps, every pump will be supplied to the customer with the impeller diameter trimmed exactly to the duty point. Impeller
trimming combined with the large range of pump sizes available for selection is the only wayof keeping theenergy consumptionof the pump to the minimum necessary. Operators benefit from the type series
The largest centrifugal pump available on the South African market for the food and beverage industry, the stainless-steel Verder Colossus, is being introduced into Colossus food-grade centrifugal pump arrives in SA South Africa by Verder Pumps.
Launchedtowardstheendoflastyearaspart of its newPacko range of food-grade pumps, a new centrifugal pump fromVerder Pumps SA is capable of pumping beer into eightmil- lion 250 ml bottles an hour. TheDutch-basedVerderGroup acquired the UK-based Fullwood Packo Group in 2015,withVerderPumpsinSouthAfricaem- barkingon anextensivemarketing campaign for the food & beverage industry. Kobus Fourie, Packo pump specialist at Verder South Africa, explains that the range has application in 11 niche sectors. These are dairy, meat andfish, textiles, wastewater andpotablewater, breweries anddistilleries, foodandbeverage, washinganddisinfection, surface treatment, vegetables, animal feeds andbiogas, hot fryingoil, petrochemicals and pharmaceuticals. “At themoment, our campaign is focused onbreweries and food andbeverage,” Fourie confirms. Globally, a demand for increased production capacities and more efficient processes in the food and beverage industry has seen a need for stainless steel pumps
Verder South Africa has launched its Colossus pump, the largest centrifugal pump available for the local food and beverage industry.
14 ¦ MechChem Africa • June 2017
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