MechChem Africa June 2017
⎪ Sustainable energy and energy management ⎪
Vert Energy, distributors of ASCO power switching and control components in Southern Africa, has supplied its first load bank system into Botswana. Load bank system supplied into Botswana
P eter Investments has acquired an ASCO Froment load bank, which will be used for load testing, to ensure reliability of generator sets and standby power systems. This systemwill be trailer-mounted and used at various sites around the country, including government infrastructure, telecommunications, mining and game lodges. ASCO load banks, which are designed to replicate working load conditions, provide electrical loads for testing power sources – including generators and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS). “A well-planned, preventative mainte- nance programme, that includes load testing of a generator set, is vital to reliable opera- tion and extended service life of the standby power system,” saysRyanRobertson, director, Vert Energy. “Loadbanks offer efficient power test solutions and also reduce the harmful effects of ‘wet stacking’ and glazing problems caused by under-loading of the generator. “Wet stacking – the primary cause of failure of diesel engines in backup generat- ing systems – occurs when unburned fuel accumulates in the combustion chamber, reducing engine ratings and affecting perfor- mance. Load banks used as part of proactive maintenance, improve efficiency of the diesel engine and significantly increase service life.” This combined ASCO Froment load bank
(resistive/inductive) with Sigma load control and instrumentation hardware, allows fully variable power factor loading and can test gen- erators up to 800 kVA at 80% load. Resistive elements and inductors of ASCO load banks are connect- ed to the supply on test by electromechanical contactors fitted inter- nally within the load bank. The easy to oper- ate Sigma system en-
Vert Energy has supplied an ASCO Froment load bank to Peter Investments Botswana, From left: Peter Kgosimoloi, Peter Investments Botswana; and Vert Energy’s managing director, Grant Robertson.
sures flexibility in automatic load control and provides cost-effective solutions to power testing requirements, which often require high level instrumentation, data capture and verification. Vert Energy’s ASCO range also encom- passes transfer switches and controls, aswell as Avtron load banks. Other electric power generation (EPG) components include Leroy Somer alternators, API Covrad radiators and customised control panels. Also in the range are NSM single and three-phasetwo-polealternatorsforportable power, as well as ac and dc two-pole welders and permanent magnet generators (PMG).
AllightSykesMSGEN2 lighting towers, which offer over 50 000 hours of light per unit, are also available. A critical part of Vert Energy’s solutions service is to meet growing demand from generatorsetbuildersandelectro-mechanical power transmission industries, to ensure there is no interruption in power supply as a result of load shedding or mains failure. Through an extensive range of quality branded EPG products and a highly skilled teamof factory andOEMtrained technicians, the company plays a major role in providing dependable power to companies, even in Africa’s most remote regions. q
Probert adds that the deal also provides a strong foundation for developing new products and services to better cater to the diverse requirements of the market. “The acquisition enables Energy Partners to extend its reach, bringing substantial value-added benefits to more customers with world class boiler repair and refurbishment capabilities, as well as an array of high-efficiency steam controls and energy optimisation systems,” he says. Probert notes that the acquisition opens up a host of opportunities in an industry with considerable scope for outsourcing services at present. “We estimate that less than10%of steamusers inourmarket, encompassing industrial, commercial and service organisations, have adopted outsourcing solutions to date.” “Steam users who convert to outsourcing as provided by Energy Partners stand to gain higher production efficiencies – regardless of how sophisticated their existing boiler plant is – compared with systems being operated in-house,” he says. “In recent years, Energy Partners has been gathering momentum in its ongoing drive towards changing the traditional pattern of steam production management. The accumulation of sites, where we can demonstrate the success of the concept to potential new customers, has helped us in this regard.”
Energy Partners has acquired refurbished packaged steam boiler suppliers, Dryden Combustion. From left to right: Jonathan Probert, Jean Le Roux, Sue Kiley, Gordon Slater. “By showcasing our successes to potential customers, including allowing them the opportunity to confirm directly with our exist- ing customers that outsourcing is effective and yields significant benefits, we provide the motivation needed to make the switch,” Probert concludes. q
June 2017 • MechChem Africa ¦ 23
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