MechChem Africa June 2017
⎪ Products and industry news ⎪
Complete range of electric and pneumatic vibrators available
Victaulic pipe joining: an alternative to pipe welding
A complete range of electric and pneu- matic internal and external vibrators from OLI is available locally from leading supplier, Bearings International (BI). “OLI is the world’s top-selling manufacture of electric andpneumatic vibrators,” BI prod- uct manager, Lewis Hiepner, comments. OLI has three main divisions offering optimal solutions for all requirements. Industrial Vibrators focuses on vibrating equipment, Flow Aids looks at problems of flowability, andConcreteConsolidation specialises in reliable and efficient con- crete compaction. With a centrifugal force of up to 26 000 kg, and with multiple voltage op- tions, the OLI range is suited for a range of applications, from food and beverage to mining, foundries and recycling. Motor bodies, bearing flanges and shafts are designed using FailureModes and Effects Analysis (FMEA), a step-by-step approach for identifying all possible failures in a de- sign, manufacturing or assembly process. The use of premium-grade aluminium alloy, cast iron and steel alloy means that the OLI range is ideal for heavy-duty ap- plications, with safeoperationguaranteed in any conditions. Vacuum-impregnated windings and Class F insulating materials enhance reliability and durability. Leading wet processing company CDE showcased 25 years of international ex- pertise toNigerianandotherWestAfrican mine and quarry operators at theConMin West Africa trade show in Abuja from 13 to 15 June. The global company introduced the significant benefits of materials washing technology to the sand and aggregates industry, demonstrating how businesses can expand by increasing both their range of products and production levels, as well
The demand for skilled welders inSouthAfrica is
much higher than the number of welders who are available andthisoftenforces the industry tomake use of imported skills. The shortage also continues to hamper large-scale capital expansion projects such as Eskom’s Medupi power station. Boiler piping is very specialised and we need to use the best boilermakers to do those welding jobs, but new technology means that welding is not the only technology suitable for utility piping. Victaulic trainsworkers to joinutilitypiping, using bolted mechanical couplings. Mechanical pipe joining was born from the idea of replacingweldingwith a cleaner and safer alternative. Most demanding industries still hold the perception that pipe-coupling technology can be used only on a temporary basis, but this not the case. Victaulic offers a permanent, safe, and cost-effective alternative to using flanges or welding. The systems are accessible simply by removing two bolts from a coupling, making it easier tomaintain efficient systemperformance. This reduces labour costs, pollution, energy us- age, potential health and safety risks as well as drastically reducing the time necessary to install and maintain these connections. Further, the design allows for controlled pipe movement within the couplings, while maintain- ing a positive seal and a self-restrained joint. The design allows for expansion, contraction and deflection generated by thermal changes, building or ground settlement and seismic activ- ity. Additionally, since Victaulic couplings are designed to provide engineered movement at the joint – unlike welded, flanged or threaded joints – the couplings minimise noise and vibra- tion transmission generated by pumps or other equipment to the piping system. The Victaulic system allows for training and up-skilling to the extent that these skills in local workers could eventually satisfy local demand and even be exported. In an era when skills development and job creation remain of crucial importance to our economy, we need to start thinking innovatively and challengeoldmind-sets if we want to succeed in genuine empowerment and job creation.
Top-quality bearings and an efficient grease-retaining system assure long- lasting performance and a low noise level during operation. Easy fine-tuning of the maximum centrifugal force provided by the motor is made possible by adjustable eccentric masses. The OLI range includes several certifications for use in hazardous environments, therebymatching themost demanding specifications worldwide. “It is part of our strategy of being a total solutions partner for our custom- ers instocking someof thebest products and brands from around the world, and OLI definitely falls into this category,” adds BI business unit head: product and engineering, Ross Trevelyan. The OLI range is suited for a range of applications, from food and beverage to mining, foundries and recycling. as make profits and a quick returns on investment. Globally, CDE boasts the successful completion of over 1 000 sand and aggre- gates wet processing projects, including the largest sandwashingplant in theworld in Qatar, which processes 1 200 t of dune sand per hour. Nicolan Govender, regional manager Africa at CDE, says: “Whilst washing ba- sically comes as a result of crushing and screening, it is a specialised and niche market. Wet processing is much more specific than crushing and screening be- cause it entails getting frommillimetre to micron sizes. “With the respective successes deliv- ered by CDE’s EvoWash and AquaCycle products, more operators are now choos- ing theCDECombo, whichcomprisesboth plants. The Combo, with a capacity range from30 to 200 t, boasts a uniquemodular design to combine feeding, grading, wash- ing, water recycling and stockpiling onto one compact chassis.
CDE Combo sand washing at ConMin
“TheCombo is soefficient that thefinal product is ready to be sold directly from the belt, so Combo customers have never looked back,” Govender reports.
Dar es Salaam-based Estim Construction installed a CDE Combo ×70 in 2014, which produces 40 t per hour of quality washed sand, whilst recycling up to 90% of the wastewater.
June 2017 • MechChem Africa ¦ 37
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