MechChem Africa June 2018
⎪ Pump systems, pipes, valves and seals ⎪
Very harsh dewatering applications require appropriate pumping solutions. Integrated Pump Rentals recently added Faggiolati stainless steel slurry pumps to its rental fleet, to offer customers the best option possible for these difficult pumping environments and conditions. The Faggiolati pump, manufactured from 316 stainless steel, is ideal for environments including those which involve handling highly corrosive water and sludges. Stainless steel submersible pumps added to rental fleet
S taying ahead in an industry as com- petitive as pump rental requires a comprehensive understanding of de- watering application requirements. It also necessitates a pump rental fleet that can meet the needs of different market sectors. Integrated Pump Rental (IPR) recently bolstered its pump rental fleet with the inclu- sion of a range of stainless steel submersible pumps. Managing director, Lee Vine says this was done to specifically cater for applications where there are increased levels of acidity in the water. “Acid water drainage on mines is common today, and these extremely harsh dewatering applications require an appropriate pump- ing solution, which is why we have added Faggiolati stainless steel slurry pumps to our rental fleet,” he explains. “Constructed from 316 stainless steel, the Faggiolati pump is engineered to operate in extremely harsh environments including handling highly corrosive water and sludges. Significantly, these high-performance pumps can withstand acidic water including high levels of metals and sulphates, as well as slurries containing abrasiveparticles andhigh solids’ content. “Dewatering, whether on surface or underground, requires absolute reliability and this has become the watchword for our pump rental fleet: all pump brands have been selected for their performance capabilities as well as their robust construction,” Vine says. IPR has an established reputation for pro- vidingfit-for-purposedewatering solutions to
its customer base, and the company operates an extensive fleet of pumps that caters for all type of application requirements. The com- pany offers a total round-the-clock pumping solution, and takes complete responsibility for all maintenance of pumps on site. This in- cludes thekeepingof a completemaintenance record that facilitates proactive, scheduled maintenance and optimum uptime for the pump installation. Included in the rental fleet are the well- known Grindex submersible drainage and dewateringpumps;thelocallyengineeredand manufactured SlurrySucker dredge units; the SlurryBlaster hydro mining equipment solu- tion; and Sykes dewatering pumps. High sales demand from IPT The increased levels of acidity in mine water and associated slurry handling applications has also led Integrated Pump Technology (IPT) to report increased sales demand for the Faggiolati stainless steel slurry pump. “In all dewatering applications, whether in undergroundmine shafts, minewaste dumps, ore stockpiles, tailings facilities or power sta- tions, reliability remains a key requirement, and there is no doubt that a stainless steel pump is by far the best choice for use in acidic environment,” Colin Adams, managing direc- tor of IPT, says. “The excellent corrosion-resistant proper- ties of stainless steel ensure reliable opera- tion even under the harshest conditions. By eliminating the risk of corrosion in pumps, unscheduled downtime is dramatically re-
duced and the risk of pump failure is averted. Faggiolatistainlesssteelpumpscanwithstand highly acidicwater, evenwhen it contains high concentrations of metals and sulphates. The pumps are also capable of handling abrasive solid particles up to the size of the pump inlet diameter,” he asserts. Adams says the cast stainless steel impel- ler ensures pumping capacities in the cor- rosive fluids and can handle pH values from 2 to 10. The most recent order received by IPT was for six Faggiolati stainless steel channel pumps, and Adams says the pumps will be operating in an extremely acidic environment at a power utility. IPT is the official distributor for the full range of Faggiolati submersible drainage and wastewater pumps, mixers and aerators, and the product is supported through the company’s network of 16 strategically lo- cated, specialisedpumpdistributors. All these products are available in a flameproof option. The company is also the sole importer and principal distributor for the Grindex range of dewatering, slurry and sludge pumps for southern Africa. q
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