MechChem Africa March 2020
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Electric mobility and lightweight design – symbiosis or contradiction
T he annual meeting of the VDMA Working Group Hybrid Lightweight Technologies, held in January 2020, addressed thequestionof the impor- tanceoflightweightdesigninelectricmobility. The debate was sparked by the mechanical engineering and supply industries, who are feeling the effects of a weak global economy, trade disputes and far-reaching structural changes in the automotive industry. The technical papers presented dealt with the processing and applications of steel and aluminium as well as joining processes suitable for series production in hybrid light- weight design.
Digitalisation in lightweight design Particular importance was attached to digi- talisation strategies for plant development and their use in the production of lightweight components. LotharGräbener, VicePresident Sales at Schuler Pressen GmbH, sums up as follows: “In the intelligent, fully networked press shop of the future, it will be possible to use sophisticated sensors and actuators and the data they collect to precisely pre- dict and avert any impending downtime in advance. This will ensure the productivity of our customers will increase the quality of the manufactured parts and reduce energy requirements”.
partnered with Machine Tools Africa to support the ‘new products and technolo- gies’ walk-way. The South African Institute of Welding (SAIW), a non-profit technical organisation dedicated to furthering standards in weld- ing-fabricationandrelatedtechnologies,has also committed to the show. “We’re heartened by the responsewe’ve hadtoMachineToolsAfrica2020,”saysGary Corin, managing director of Specialised Exhibitions, the organisers of the show. “We’remindful of current economic trading conditions, so it is very encouraging that we’ve had such a positive response from exhibitors.” Increasing support for lightweight design at the political level is encouraging. Based on workshops with representatives from industry and research, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy is preparing a lightweight design strategy and a ten-year technology transfer programme. A first tender for project funding is currently be- ing launched. The VDMA Working Group participates in the committees of the light- weight design initiative and welcomes the cooperation between the national and state networks that is superordinate to materials. A bundling of activities is essential for main- taining Germany’s competitiveness in the lightweight construction sector. It is equally desirable toconcentrateonanumber of trade fairs and conferences that are appropriate to the market. Multi-material mix on trend The automotive industry is encouraging light- weight designapplications and thus promotes competition amongst materials and multi- material applications. The cost specifications and requirements for processes that are suitable for large-scaleproductiondetermine thedegree towhich these are implemented in practice. Increasing process networking and an adaptationof joining processes, ultimately support trends of hybrid lightweight design applications. Strategy development and funding of lightweight construction
Working group hybrid lightweight technologies new executive board for the period 2019 to 2021: Lothar Gräbener, Schuler Pressen, Waghäusel; Marc Kirchhoff, Trumpf Laser- und Systemtechnik, Ditzingen; Dr.- Ing. Norbert Müller, Engel Austria, Linz; Manfred Reif, Dieffenbacher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, Eppingen; Jochen Schmidt, Karl Mayer Technische Textilien, Chemnitz; Klaus-Peter Welsch, Geiss, Sesslach; Martin Würtele, KraussMaffei Technologies, Munich
Innovation, skills and learning at Machine Tools Africa 2020 12 -15 May 2020, Expo Centre in Johannesburg,
The biggest trade exhibition of its kind in Africa,MachineToolsAfrica is about innova- tion and focuses on additivemanufacturing, automation and control, CNC machinery, cutting tools and robotics. The exhibition is designed in partner- ship with the Machine Tools Merchants’ Association of South Africa (MTMA), and has its full commitment and endorsement. Although the local machine tools industry has been experiencing tough trading con- ditions, there is an understanding of the value of exhibiting and the importance of an industry showcase of this nature. Support from industry has been positive, with 92% of floor space already sold. Industry experts will talk about latest
innovations, industry trends and future technologies at the Seminar Theatre. These seminars, hosted by the South African Institution of Mechanical Engineering (SAIMechE), are free to attend. At the ATI Skills Zone, the future of skills development will be in the spotlight. Developed in partnership with the Artisans Training Institute (ATI), this area will be a fully functional workshop where learners will demonstrate trade skills learned at ATI, including electrical, instrumentation, weld- ing, and fitting and turning. The South African Capital Equipment Export Council (SACEEC), representing the capital equipment and project sector for new projects and the aftermarket, has
32 ¦ MechChem Africa • March 2020
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