MechChem Africa March-April 2021

⎪ Power transmission, bearings, bushes and seals ⎪

Following the successful introduction of ABB’s high-efficiency IE3 electric motors and the launch of the ALPHA Drive Micro and the ALPHA Drive Plus range of Variable Speed Drives, Bearings International (BI) is excited to announce the rebranding of its BAUER range of Tier 2 motors to ALPHA. BI consolidates motor brands T he growth of BI’s market share in electric motors is one of the major strategic initiatives it undertook in 2019, culminating in the recent

ingly difficult trading environment. “With our premium Tier 1 brand now being ABB, we have decided to consolidate our Tier 2 electrical products into one brand name, namely ALPHA. Therefore the BAUER electric motors will be changing to ALPHA from January,” reports BI product manager Andries Barnard. The part numbers, colour, quality andpric- ing will all remain the same. The only change will be on the nameplate of the motor itself, from BAUER to ALPHA. “Our ambition is to align the brands of our electrical products, compared to our power and transmission products, with these two clear brands,” notes Barnard. BI has a wide range of aluminium frame electricmotors andaluminiumhousing three- phaseasynchronousmotors, allwiththe latest design and selected quality materials that conform to the IEC standard.

The MA range of BAUER motors performs extremely well, even in the toughest envi- ronments. This range has been designed to give reliable performance, and is also easy to maintain. With a 0.18 kW to 7.5 kW output, themotors are lightweight andhave lownoise emission.

announcement of its partnership with ABB to include high-efficiency IE3 electricmotors. The advantages of the partnership with ABB include dealing with a local supplier versus direct imports and the availability of quick technical back-up and support. BI has extended its motor range in size, with a 400 V and 525 V offering, allowing it to be able to supply projects in themining industry. ABB, in turn, will be able to leverage from BI’s extensive 42-branch network across SouthAfrica, coveringall themajorminingand industrial areas where BI has a key footprint. The availability of IE3 high-efficiency motors from ABB will be especially welcomed by these sectors, where cost-effectiveness and total cost of ownership are key in an increas-

BAUER electric motors from BI are now part of the ALPHA range of products, which also includes ALPHA Drive Micro and ALPHA Drive Plus variable speed drives.

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