MechChem Africa March-April 2021
New DELKOR BQR flotation cell with ‘MAXGen’
TAKRAF Group, with its well-known DELKOR brand for liquid/solid separation and beneficiation equipment, has developed new-generation BQR flotation cells with the proprietary MAXGen mechanism for best-in-class metallurgical performance.
M aximising the sustainable recovery of minerals has be- come a critical success factor at a time when the efficient recovery from less rich ores, aging or second- ary deposits is one of the mining industry’s key challenges. In response, TAKRAF Group has developed a new-generation BQR flota - tion cell that use the company’s exceptional MAXGen mechanism for better than ever separation efficiency. MAXGen is theresultofextensiveresearch and development from bench scale tests, 3D prototyping, pilot scale studies and plant scale trials. It delivers superior recoveries with higher mineral grade, along with faster flotation kinetics by generating favourable bubble size distribution and energy efficient hydrodynamics. The distinctive configuration
of the rotor and stator enables the rotor to operate at a lower tip speed, thereby reduc- ing operational cost because of lower power consumption and less wear. ThenewDELKORBQRMAXGenflotation cell also boasts more elegant features that address practical challenges with respect to improved installation, maintenance and operation of flotation circuits, particularly in existing concentrators. For example, the bypass ready tank design of the DELKOR BQR MAXGen allows for an installation and upgrade with cell bypass systems at any stage of the project, without compromising the original layout and without any modifica - tion to the tank shell. This flexibility makes adjustments faster and less costly, enabling operators tomaintain the best flotation bank set up over time. The new DELKOR BQR
MAXGen flotation cell incorporates deeper launderswithahigher slope toassist the froth to evacuate quickly. The launders can also be customised with various options for the external, internal and radial launders to suit specific froth transport parameters, depend - ing on the application. New generation DELKOR BQR flotation cells with MAXGen mechanism installed for a fluorite application.
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