MechChem Africa May 2017
⎪ Plant maintenance, lubrication and filtration ⎪
Latest dual-laser portable alignment kit BMG’s latest dual laser shaft alignment system is suitable for most combinations of machinery with coupled or uncoupled shafts and incorporates advanced digital technology. The new hand held SPM Leonova DiamondAligner is a complete kit packed in a portable case, consisting of the control and display instrument, alignment sensors, aluminium brackets, extendable chains, rods, cables and a tape measure.
B MG’s condition moni- toring equipment range now includes the newly launched portable SPM Leonova Dia- mond Aligner system, de- signed for quick and reliable shaft alignment in many ap- plications, including compres- sors, gearboxes, generators and pumps. This dual laser system, which is suitable for most combinations of machinery and coupled or uncoupled shafts, incorporates ad- vanced digital technology, where alignment sensors communicate with the in-
The new hand-held Leonova Diamond Aligner is a complete kit packed in a portable case.
strument via Bluetooth. Automatic calculations and instant correc- tion and alignment data ensure a perfect shaft alignment – even in tough operating environments. The new hand-held Leonova Diamond Aligner is a complete kit packed in a portable case, consisting of the control and display in- strument, alignment sensors, aluminiumbrackets, extendable chains for up to 480 mm shaft diameters, rods, cables and a tape measure. “The alignment sensors usehighprecisiondigital complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) linear image detectors, which automatically distinguish from interfering light sources to provide maximumaccuracy in shaft alignment,” states CarloBeukes, general manager, power transmission, BMG. “Dual axis highprecision inclinometersmeasure theangleof rota- tion of both detector units at all times. This allows measurements in fully automatic mode, within less than half a rotation of the shaft. “This system works with standard and user-defined tolerance levels to perform accurate alignment calculations for horizontal, as well as vertical or flange-mounted machines. Other measurement programmes include soft foot checks, thermal growth compensation and tolerance checks. For user convenience, the feet lock function automatically provides alternative alignment corrections. “Leonova produces a logfilewith all alignment data for documen- tation and printing. Specially designed modular software supports the Diamond Aligner, providing easy set-up of personalised default settings for exact user requirements,” says Beukes. The heavy duty Leonova Diamond Aligner, with a carbon-fibre reinforced IP65 rated enclosure, has been drop tested to 1.0m. The LCDbacklit colour display has a user-friendly graphical interface for easy operation and accurate results. q
May 2017 • MechChem Africa ¦ 15
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